
Well Known Member
I asked this a few months back but we never did come to a final solution. On page 15-04 Figure 4 the outboard 6 rivet heads on the upper row of rivets that hold the rear stub spar (the 1/18 thick piece that fits into a pocket in the fuselage) rub on the leading edge of the flaperon skin enough to cause the flaperon to stick just a little at full aileron deflection. They are also scratching the flaperon skin and will obviously scratch the paint. The only solution I can see is to drill out what appear to be LP4-3 rivets and replace them with countersunk rivets. Problem-- the only CS rivets I have are LP4-4. 1) will the CS rivets be as strong as the round-head rivets and 2) will LP4-4 rivets pull up tight enough? I'm ready to put the wings on for the last time and need a final solution.

Thanks very much

Wayne 120241 N143WM someday

The rivets hold the rear spar tongue that fits into the fudelage onto the rear sub spar. They're about a foot outside of the wing root. They're rubbing (binding) on the leading edge of the flaperon. If I grind them to 1/16 clearance, there won't be any head on the rivets.

Wayne, I did not mean to grind the heads of the rivets, only the skin if there is excess. The area I thought you were having trouble with was near the fuselage on the right side, a common area for interference.

I have not heard of anyone having problems in this area. I suggest you take a look at the flapperon rigging and make sure you have the correct spacing for the turn buckles.
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Thanks larry

Actually, this occurs even with the wings off the airplane, so the pushrod rigging can't be a factor. The inboard edes or the flaperons are just too close to the spar.


Wayne I agree with Larry. I havent heard of this before either. My plans are at the hanger so I cant look at the page you are calling out until Wed when Ill go to the hanger. You might want to check with Vans tech support tomorrow. 102F here in Texas and Loving it. NOT!:mad:

RV12 N1212K
This happened on our kit, too. I countersunk and replaced about 5 of the rivets with CS flush head rivets. The flaperon can still make contact with the bracket when off the AC, but when installed, the control stops prevent contact.
Fix for rub

I put a dab of black paint on the rivet heads. worked the flaperons to see which were rubbing, removed the flaperons and drilled those out and replaced them with CS rivets the same length as the standard ones called for in the plans.

Flaps haven't fallen off yet.

Wayne 143WM
Had the same problem when I started flying the 12. Took a pair of snips, trimmed the flaperon edges, dressed with file. and touched up the bare edges w/primer and paint. End of problem.
Dick Seiders