
Well Known Member
I don't see anywhere in the plans where you rivet the F-14131 Upper aft Fuse Rib to the F-01407 - Bulkhead after attaching the top skin. I can't imagine anything else goes there after the F-01475 Top Skin is installed. Anyone ask Van's about that? It should be at the end of the plans in section 10. Thanks.
Good Morning Stoney,

I did rivet that section with 470s. In retrospect, I probably should have waited for the fuselage kit. It is possible that a bracket could be attached there. Of course, it is possible there was an omision in the plans:).

Those are easy to reach before you attach the fuselage kit, if you want to wait. I may end up drilling them back out if I made a bad guess.


P.S. While your in that area. There are two short rows of holes in the upper skins that are never addressed in the plans. They do need to get dimpled, because the shoulder harness attachment will get mounted there with the next kit. They will be hard to dimple once the skins are attached.
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Both of these omissions have been noted previously, and are part of a plans update scheduled to release with the fuselage kit.

It is ok to rivet the Rib to the Bulkhead while installing the top skin, and the #30 holes should be dimpled for later installation of the shoulder harness brackets.
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