
Well Known Member
Did anyone else's quick build fuselage already have these rivets set? These are the ones where the F7106 forward top skin (near the firewall) overlaps the F970 side skin on the fuselage. I find it odd these were already set with structural rivets rather than pop rivets if the needed to be held in place temporarily.

I don't know much about the completion level of the quickbuilds, or how far forward those rivets run when building a tip up. Perhaps a quickbuild is a quickbuild and the slider builders must drill a few rivets out and tip-up builders do not.
Odd, indeed

Yes, my QB had about 9 rivets set on the left side and about 4 on the right in the area where the forward top skin needs to go. Looked like the builders just got carried away and forgot to leave those holes open. Not the only place on the QB that happened. Just drill 'em out and build on.