E. D. Eliot

Well Known Member
I just opened up my RV-12 Light Kit for inventory and all went great until I got to Bag 2825 which is full of pulled rivets which look identical to me. Inventory says 15 CS-4-4 and 40 LP4-3. I have 59 rivets that look the same to me.

How do I differentiate? They all have the same physical rivet head lengths and widths and the metal looks the same. Magnets are useless here.

What am I missing here - Help please - and thanks very much - just more education and I'm enjoying the journey already.
CS means "countersunk head" (same as flush head, to fit into a dimple or machine countersink)

LP means "low profile" slightly rounded head
Thanks Scott

Appreciate the immediate response and will have a better look at these tomorrow (outside in the sun!!!). Glad that I asked and embarrassed that I didn't see the difference. Thanks again, Scott - regards, Ed
I seem to recall...

...that on Van's web site, there is a down load section, and in there is a file called CONSTRUCTION FAQ's. That file contains a great deal of info on the materials and processes for building Van's aircraft. There was also a page that listed all the "pulled rivets" used in the kits (drawings, dimensions, and material)
...that on Van's web site, there is a down load section, and in there is a file called CONSTRUCTION FAQ's. That file contains a great deal of info on the materials and processes for building Van's aircraft. There was also a page that listed all the "pulled rivets" used in the kits (drawings, dimensions, and material)

Their is also a chart in section 5 (I think it is 05-07) that shows a side view of all the rivets and designates the associated part #. It would be a good idea for all builders to tack a copy of this up on the wall.
One of the handy parts of the manual!!!!

The one in the book is pretty much to scale and makes it easy to figure out what rivet to use.

If in fact they are all the same, someone packing the bags had a bad day.
Call Van's support and they will fix you up at no cost.

Art Pennanen

To all of you who responded - I'll take all of the advice to heart. Your references and quick response to my question are awesome - thanks again, Ed
Thanks again

Everybody - it was fairly easy to see and differentiate between the rivets after I took them out into the sun. The rivet chart helped me 'see' what I was looking for. And Van's packagers did it right - I just couldn't 'see' the difference. Greatly appreciate all of the advice.:cool: