
I'm New Here

I am riveting the wing ribs to the spar (RV7a) using an offset rivet set. The manufactured head is on the rib-side of the assembly, and the shop head on the spar (as is specifically called out in the instructions).

The issue is simply this: My offset rivet set tends to "turn" in the rivet gun as I'm riveting. This has caused all sorts of "smileys" adjacent to the manuf-heads of the rivets I have attempted so far. Has anyone else had this issue? Any easy solutions?

I did a quick search of the forum archives, but couldn't find a similar post - hopefully this is not a duplicate question!

Takes 2 hands. One for the gun and the other to hold the rivet set to prevent it from rotating. Rivet set 'booties' seem to help some. I used CherryMax for mine; I was working by myself - not enough hands.


A couple of tips:
Check to be sure the offset is getting a straight shot. I ground the side on my offset to get a better angle in tight quarters.

Work with a bucking partner and hold the sides of the offset rivet set with your fingers to keep it from rotating.

Use some duct tape on the set or "Snap Socs." See


Not cheap, but they last through several rivet sessions and work well.

Good luck