Well Known Member
So I'm up to the point where the aft fuselage lower skin and the left aft side skin are assembled together. Lower skin riveted on. Side skin, longerons, stiffeners all cleco'd together. Getting ready to put the right skin on (not enough clecos). But that's next.

Can ya'll tell me the best way to rivet this thing solo. I know it is easier with two, but I don't have much in the way of assistants. The longerons and stiffeners seem easy enough. It is the seam between the side and the lower skin that is the real tough one?

I'll look for an assistant, or train one; but what in the meantime?
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Just in case someone reads this post down the line..... the rivets on the right and left side of the tailcone were easily done with the backrivet set and the large flush backrivet bar. Looks better than rivets I did down to the back rivet plate on other places. Some rivets had to be done with the swivel flush set and a small angled bar but these were the exception.