
Well Known Member
I'm almost to the point of riveting the tailcone together. The instructions mention making sure the tailcone is not twisted when drilling to final size, but I'm curious how much liberty can be taken during riveting, seeing as the holes are what they are at that point. The reason I ask is because I'm working solo, and it sure would be far easier to rivet some of these sections in pieces vs after it's all clecoed together on the saw horses.

I was thinking of back riveting the stringers to the side skins before attaching the skins to the bulkheads. Then, before putting the side skins in place, riveting the bottom skin to the bulkheads (would be far easier to reach everything underneath without side skins on). That would only leave the side skin to bulkheads and side skin to bottom skin rivets to do as a complete assembly, which may be more doable solo.

Is this a bad idea and I should make sure to cleco the entirety of the tailcone together first so I can double check there's still no twist?
The tail cone will line up fine, since everything is prepunched. Just make sure you have a fairly level place to do the match drilling and riveting. You will be able to rivet the lower tailcone skins to the bulkheads and still have some ability to twist the aft fuselage. It won't be really locked down until you rivet on the aft deck. My suggestion is to cleco on the top tail cone skin when you rivet the aft deck. The upper skin pretty much locks in the correct shape without any twist.