
Well Known Member
Every now and then with 470 rivets the head of set creates a small scar next to the rivet head because I wasn't exactly perpendicular to the rivet head. It doesn't happen very often and more importantly, should I worry about those scars and do some sort of process to them, or just leave them as a reminder to poor technique?

They are called a Smiley. Usually not a problem but it depends on depth and location. Post a photo or ask Vans.
Many use Snap Socks. You can buy from Aircraft Spruce.
I prefer black Gorilla Tape. A square is good for quite a few rivets. Just place over the rivet and make sure the set is ON the rivet before setting. Leaves behind a tiny bit of black. Easily removed with a fingernail.
Packing tape

We used a small piece of clear packing tape when setting flush rivets with the gun. Just get a 3 or 4" piece and fold back about 1/2" for a handle and use it on many rivets. Keeps the skin nice and clean.

(470 = universal head)
See the manual section 5.4 for guidelines.
Short answer is "yep, it happens. Try harder to verify you're straight before pulling the trigger."
According to the riveting specification document on Van's Support, FAQs page, it's acceptable to use flat rivet sets on these rivets. The text and paragraph number is:

" Rivet set. Flat dies may be used on the manufactured head of universal head rivets provided the head is not flattened beyond the
dimensions specified on Table II."

I've only used it on -4 rivets thus far but it works nicely. We're required to maintain the factory head thickness per the spec, and for me, that means leaving the shop head near the thicker of its thickness tolerance.

But no more smileys!

I ordered some snap-soc from Aircraft Spruce and will try those out and also some tape. I'm not Canadien but I have hockey tape as well.

Go Lightning!
wirejock Larry is right on the money! I second what he said. I have a couple different sized wood blocks I carefully cut square. I always have a block near where my rivet gun is when bucking. Amazing alignment sight gauge! Remember you can always tape a block in event you are riveting on the side of a rib or something.
And I always always, I said ALWAYS, use painters tape on 470 manufactured heads....ALWAYS. But the TRUE key here is gun alignment. Use a guide or some sort of eye ball alignment.
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