
Active Member
I haven?t completed my -8 so thought I would do the SB 14-01-31 before I installed the tail. I got the kit for it and the rivet call out for riveting the doublers to the front spar instructs you to use the AN470AD4-7 in some places and AN470AD4-5 in other places. In setting either one of these rivets I found that if I set it just far enough so the hole in the end of the rivet gage (purchased from AC vendor) would just fit over the shop head, the other end wouldn?t even come close to sliding over the shop head. If I set it far enough so that end would just slide over the shop head, then the other end wouldn?t come close to fitting over the shop head. So I set a few rivets so the hole in the one end of the gage almost fits over the shop head and the other end almost slides over the shop head. Is this acceptable? If not, then what? Thanks
I haven?t completed my -8 so thought I would do the SB 14-01-31 before I installed the tail. I got the kit for it and the rivet call out for riveting the doublers to the front spar instructs you to use the AN470AD4-7 in some places and AN470AD4-5 in other places. In setting either one of these rivets I found that if I set it just far enough so the hole in the end of the rivet gage (purchased from AC vendor) would just fit over the shop head, the other end wouldn?t even come close to sliding over the shop head. If I set it far enough so that end would just slide over the shop head, then the other end wouldn?t come close to fitting over the shop head. So I set a few rivets so the hole in the one end of the gage almost fits over the shop head and the other end almost slides over the shop head. Is this acceptable? If not, then what? Thanks

If I understand your question correctly, it sounds like you have properly set your rivets.

The gauge helps you measure 2 things. Is the shop head wide enough (1.5 times width) and is it high enough after driving. To measure, the gauge has to guides, the hole to measure width and the notch to measure height after driving.

1) If the shop head at least 1.5 times the diameter of the rivet, then the shop end will completely fill the hole, or even keep the hole from fitting over the shop end.
2) If the shop end is high enough, then the notch will NOT pass over the shop end of the rivet. If the notch does pass over the shop end, then it's over-driven.

So, if the shop end fills the hole (or even slightly more) AND the other end does NOT slide over the shop head, you're good.
SB 14-01-31

Several months ago I saw a very detailed video of SB 14-01-31 being completed but can not find it. I have a 7 and want to complete this before I paint.

Does anyone recall and know of where I can get the link for that video?

It?s not that difficult.

Ken, I don?t have a link to a video but I can tell you that the SB is not that difficult. A good set of instructions come with the kit. Here is some things that really helped make the job much easier. You will have to have a 90 degree drill attachment as the instructions say. I made a cradle to hold the stab in the vertical position with leading edge down. A work bench big enough to lay it down flat and also to put blocks under training edge to put it in the vertical position leading edge up. Taking my time really helped also. A tungsten bucking bar is real helpful too.