
Active Member
I am riveting the nutplates on my rudder spar and I am having a challenge getting to to sit flush. I riveted one side while the other side was clecoed. As soon as the Cleco is removed the ear of the nutplate lifts up. Any tricks to make this easier? I would rather not use a bolt in the hole since it could damage the nutplate thread.

Also any tricks to remove the -4 rivet without damaging the nutplate ear?

I have an assortment of modified socket head cap screws for this purpose. Holds the plate nut tight and the socket head is small enough in diameter to get a good squeeze on the rivet.
If it's not an excessive amount of pull the other rivet should pull it down. It helps to pre-bend the ears of the nutplates before riveting. Many times the ears are slightly bent back so you are just correcting this by bending them forward. Also, I always set nutplate rivets with the bolt in as far as it will go by hand.
Install bolts

I have an assortment of modified socket head cap screws for this purpose. Holds the plate nut tight and the socket head is small enough in diameter to get a good squeeze on the rivet.

Same here. Buy an assortment of cheap screws and bolts the right length and thread. Thrn it in hand tjght and rivet. I rarely need though. As Jereme says, the second rivet will pull it down.

I thread a nut on the screw, thread the screw in the nut plate a couple of threads, then snug up the nut. Works great...

If it's not an excessive amount of pull the other rivet should pull it down. It helps to pre-bend the ears of the nutplates before riveting. Many times the ears are slightly bent back so you are just correcting this by bending them forward. Also, I always set nutplate rivets with the bolt in as far as it will go by hand.

If it is in a position where the squeezer dies won't fit with a screw (of some type) holding the center, I do the pre bend. Many tricks and you have to use what works for each.

If you are talking about the nut plates for the pivot eyes, then put a bolt in there, it is good to have these snug.
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Rubber tubing

When I had this issue I cut a piece of rubber hose with approx the same ID as the rivet and about 1/8th long. Then put it over the rivet. As the squeezer squeezes the rivet and tubing it forces the nut plate back against the aluminium an then let?s the rivet squeeze inside the tubing. I copied the idea from someone else here.
Sgueeze first rivet just enough to hold nut plate in place then squeeze opposite leg then finish squeezing first leg , works for me