
Ok, I would like to rivet my leading edge to the spar. Building a 9a. Plans call for 470-4 rivets and a offset rivet set. There is absolutely no way to reach rib 4 and 5 to buck! I definitely need enlightenment from those who have gone before me. If pop rivet...which ones, and if cherrymax can the normal hand tool we all have work to pull it? Thank you all for your time, and for this website.
Edit, I can reach number five rib, not number four.
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LE Riveting

It can be done with the AN470AD-4 rivets solo. Search the archives. I made a wood jig to position the tungsten bucking bar. I used a 12" rivet set in the gun, you just have to hold it at a slight angle to clear the adjacent rib. It helps if you have skinny arms. A helper with skinny arms would be better.

Moderator, please delete this thread, it is already hashed out. I should have searched it first.
type " Those pesky leading edge rib to spar rivet-conquered" into the search, and view my posts and what I did. Great results. Let me know if you have questions.
Absolutely, PM me and I can share contact info and other details. We can work out arrangements I am sure.