
Well Known Member
I'm in the middle of taking my center/forward fuselage/firewall apart for preparation for riveting and as I was deburring the firewall today, it became obvious that one, and probably both of the inboard floor stiffeners are going to be REALLY touch to rivet in the most forward hole.

I think the large .125 (I think it was .125) brackets to which it's attached are going to be in the way to get a good shot at bucking the most forward hold that attached the skin/firewall/stiffener.

I now the bracket is raised above the firewall just a bit and maybe this is why, but -- at least on my build -- it doesn't appear to be enough space to get any sort of bucking bar in there, at least not without beating up that .125 somethign fierce.

What have you vets done with these two rivets?
That should work fine for the stiffener to brcket rivets, but I'm talking about the skin-to-firewall-to-stiffener rivet. It looks like the bracket is going to interfere with being able to get a good bucking bar on that shop head.