
Since the F-1211A is the thinner of the 2, I placed the manufactured head on that side and the shop head on the F-1211B side. (The exception was the flush rivets, which are countersunk on the F-1211B side.)

Is this correct?

Unless the plans say otherwise, normally the manufactured head goes on the thinner material. However, I've seen photos of guys who have put the manufactured head on the F-1211B side. In this case, I think either way is acceptable because both of those parts are made from fairly thick material.
However, I've seen photos of guys who have put the manufactured head on the F-1211B side.

That is what caused me to second guess the way I did it. Two build sites did it two different ways.

Since there were no special instructions in the plans to do it contrary to manufactured head on the thinnest material, I guess I am good to go.