
Well Known Member
Need some guidance from those of you who riveted the bottom wing skins by yourself, I have managed to rivet the inbourd skin and the outboardskin as far as the last acess hole but cannot see how to finish the skin in particular the trailing edge/rear spar rivets. I do not seem to have enough reach to hold the bucking bar and the rivet gun, is there some trick to this that I am missing.
I am doing the riveting in the wing jig (i.e vertical) is this how most people did it or did they move the wing to the bench.
Are the MK-319 rivets structural such that I could use them on the spar if I cannot get AN426 rivets set in there.

Thanks for any advice

I did the bottom skins by myself for one wing and most of the other wing. This required some interesting positions, a bit of swearing, and a lot of sweat (Texas is hot all the way into October). I had quite a bit of trouble reaching the rear spar rivets on the first wing. I used my long bucking bar (about a foot long, with both ends bent 90 degrees) and reached as far as possible. This thing gets real heavy pretty quickly. I think this is where I asked my wife to help drive rivets, and the rest went real easy.

On the second wing, I was all alone, so I had to do it without any help. I started with the rivets in the center of the outboard skins along the rear spar, first. Per Van's instructions, you have to peel the skins back, and not cleco everything all at once. I used a small cardboard box, and some thick foam to hold up one end, while I reached in from the side to shoot the rivets along the rear spar. Do the first section in the middle of the skins, and work outward and forward, one rib at a time. Do not rivet all of the way forward on the ribs, because that limits how much you can raise the skins. Make sure that you do not crease the skins by raising one end too much. Once the center bay is done, you can reach in through the holes in the outboard ribs.

All of the bottom skins were done with the wing on my shop tables. This allowed me to actually lie against the wing while reaching as far as possible. If I remember correctly, I did the inboard skins by riveting most of the rivets along the rear spar first. That wasn't quite so hard to reach because I had the tanks off for this, so I could reach back a lot further.
