
Hey all,

I think "Riverhead for RV's" (maker of the Silver Bullet) is out of commision. I placed an order over a month ago...nothin...sent email's...nothin...made phone call's...nothin...sent a email to "PayPay" and got moy money back.

Good Luck


There are a multitude of other postings about this business -- just search for "Full Throttle Concepts" and/or "Rivethead Aero".

I've been assured that they are still in business -- but they are very slow, and really, really bad at customer communication.

Having said that, though -- if you're patient, you will eventually get your order, in my experience.
Hey all,

I think "Riverhead for RV's" (maker of the Silver Bullet) is out of commision. I placed an order over a month ago...nothin...sent email's...nothin...made phone call's...nothin...sent a email to "PayPay" and got moy money back.

Had the same problem with a canopy latch I ordered. Paid for the product, never received it, no communication. I disputed with PayPal, and 2 days after I got my money back from PayPal, the latch showed up. At about the same time I started getting emails from Dave. So I repaid for the latch, and ordered a Silver Bullet link. Have not received the link yet, but in an email from Dave, he promised it the end of May. So at this point I'm optimistic. His products are very high quality. His communication could use some improvement.
Waiting it out

Two buddies and I ordered three Silver Bullets & two control arms and paid for them on 3/19 (they are suppose to get shipped to me in one shipment) -- that's about nine weeks ago. I contacted someone who kind of knows Dave (the owner of Rivethead). He mentioned he is slow, but says he does very nice work and this gentleman thought I would eventually get them? So, I'll take my chances and am not going to reverse my PayPal payment (yet). Funny thing is, I actually chatted with Aimee on their phone when I ordered them (after many attempts). I have tried several times to call and email with no luck since then. I will post if and when they arrive (or I reverse the PayPal payment -- whichever comes first), but I challenge anybody who has been waiting longer than nine weeks :-( In the meantime, can someone post any recent deliveries they have had so we'll know if they are still in business? Thanks. Dave
I kind of think he's waiting until he has a lot of say 30 orders and then cranks them out all at the same time. That would explain the delays, but this is pure speculation. I ordered a Silver Bullet and arm on 4/28 so will be interested in hearing from others on when they get theirs.

I ordered my Silver Bullet on 4/10, and have plenty of time to wait - though it will be nice to finally see something for my money! I too will post when I receive it...
Ordered a Canopy Handle 4/3...

and am still waiting for it. I have sent an email and left two phone messages over the past four weeks with no response. After reading previous threads on this subject, I expected this, but it is still frustrating. This handle had better be the nicest piece on my plane!
Rivethead, not to be confused with me. I'm not the guy they're talking about. I'm just the unlucky guy that wanted to use the name when I signed on here.
It seems this same topic is coming up once a while and it seems that everyone is not reading the forum very well either aware of search function. Conclusions what I've done after reading all this are:

- You are building a plane for years (most are) and canopy handle and steering link are not the first parts you need.
- Don't expect to receive your order in a day, week or even in a month.
- I can't recall anyone saying that the goods would have never arrived.

==> Not to be a wise guy but why not order these things well before you actually need them (like a year)?! :(
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Has anybody heard from these folks yet?

I have tried several times to call and email with no luck since then. I will post if and when they arrive (or I reverse the PayPal payment -- whichever comes first), but I challenge anybody who has been waiting longer than nine weeks :-( In the meantime, can someone post any recent deliveries they have had so we'll know if they are still in business? Thanks. Dave

No one answered Dave in the positive last month and I'm really wondering, too. I love my Silver Bullet and I know Rivethead has always been slow and very poor on communication. But, the product came through in the end. What I don't know is that they are still producing and shipping anything. Does anybody?

I've dealt with Rivethead before and expected delays and poor communication. But, this current experience may push me away completely. I made an order in early March and the PayPal charge was posted on March 12th. That's more than 14 weeks ago. (Got you beat, Dave.) I have had NO communication with Rivethead since. I left a phone message a week ago, but no response. Seriously, has anyone been getting ANYTHING, even communications, in the last four months? I'm about ready to file with PayPal and give up on them. I don't mind the wait much, but I do not approve of billing someone then providing no communication while they wait months.

Just got back from vacation and the steering links and control arm came in some time this past week. I did get an email from the sender via UPS saying they were going to be shipped just before I left, so I was cautiously keeping my fingers crossed. They look nice, and hopefully he had a batch made up and he will be shipping them out to those waiting. I still don't understand the poor communications.

As for Pirkka, I'm glad you have everything figured out so far in advance. My plane won't be ready for at least a year and a half. I had a Janzi, but sold it to get a Silver Bullit. The point of the discussuion was the lack of communications from a company who many people here have used for a product, not that people need the product right now. Dave
Ordered mine 4/3..

...and I'm still waiting--for the product or just a response. I can accept only a response! I have sent an email and left three phone messages over the past six weeks. I am not ready for my handle yet, Pirkka, and I ordered it with that in mind after going thru the search function. However, it has now been 2 1/2 months since my payment was received and no acknowledgement or response to messages is a very poor way to run a business. As I said before, this handle had better be the best part of the plane!
Sad, really...

I have a "Rivethead" handle on my 8, and I have to say the workmanship is spectacular. The delivery took a while, but since the airplane was flying with the original ugly handle it didn't matter to me.

The sad part of the story is that the lad's problem is all about communication. If he does the production in batches, just say so. An email or line on the website stating "It will take X weeks (or months) to deliver your order" would take a lot of pressure off. Also, I have a real problem with charging for the item when he gets the order, that should happen around the time it is shipped.

John Clark
RV8 N18U "Sunshine"
Also, I have a real problem with charging for the item when he gets the order, that should happen around the time it is shipped.


Not to defend Rivethead Aero, but with PayPal (the merchant bank and credit card processor used by many small businesses, including him), the date your card is charged is not determined by the seller. Your credit card is charged immediately, regardless of any delivery delays or issues the seller might have. Any business concerned about their customers and their reputation should disclose this openly, and any buyer doing making a credit card purchase through PayPal should be aware of this.

So it?s a limitation of PayPal. Of course, it?s not usually a big deal (if the business delivers their products promptly, that is), but in this situation, I feel your pain. I?m still waiting for my canopy handle. :(

Not to defend Rivethead Aero, but with PayPal (the merchant bank and credit card processor used by many small businesses, including him), the date your card is charged is not determined by the seller.

I don't mean to take this off topic, but it is within complete control of the vendor. Yes, the default is to have Paypal charge immediately. The vendor has complete control of when the credit card processor is used.

The other option is to not invoice immediately and to process the invoice through Paypal at ship time. For example, SteinAir has done this with me several times. I get an email with an invoice attached and a link to Paypal to process payment.

Based upon Rivethead's lack of communication with customers, this process faux pas was problably done out of ignorance of Paypal options rather than something intentional.

Fortunately other vendors are starting to step in and are making comparable products. is one of those vendors. I suspect there may be others that I'm not aware of at the moment.
rivethead problems

David Czachorowski has agreed to provide the Rivet Head products thru
ROD BOWER AVIATION along with my RAMAIRFORHOMEBUILTS.COM product line. I will be maintaining an inventory of David's most popular items.
I plan to set up PAY-PAL billing option that is Invoice Activated when parts are shipped.
There will be a link to my E-Mail address [email protected] to handle questions regarding parts and shipping dates.
David has assured me he will take care of existing business by the end of July.

CELL 559-972-6291
[email protected]

David has assured me he will take care of existing business by the end of July.

CELL 559-972-6291
[email protected]

Rod, this is indeed great news! I agree that what David needed was a sales and marketing department to go along with his fine products! I am one of those guys that still have parts on order with him, so I'll be looking forward to the end of July. Sounds like you understand the problem and have the solution, that's great. Obviously, you will need to figure out a way to increase production. Best of luck to you both.
Good New Rod! Thanks for taking this on.

As a customer who has Dave's stuff on my own RV I can vouch for it being top notch.

I'm also a customer or Rod Bower and for those who don't know Rod, his reputation or his history it is as good as they get. I can give Rod both my personal and professional recommendation (and no, I have no professional affiliation with him).

Best Regards,
Good news!

Thanks, Rod. This sounds like a good solution (and I hope to see our order when we return from Oshkosh, if not before).
Not Happy with Rivethead-Aero(Fullthrottle Concepts)!

Are we talking about the same Dave (Czachorowski)? He told me on 5/26/2009 that my order would be shipped that week (my CR Card was charged $224 on 5/9/09) . . . and I still don't have my parts!!!! Contacted PayPal today for a refund (or a tracking number?). . . not what I call good service as usual he hasn't responeded to my emails or phone calls!

I'm will look for a vendor (like Stein) that keeps his word!

Bob Christensen - working on fiberglass stuff! Nearly ready to paint?
Rod Should Help with Rivethead?

I talked to Rod and he assures me things will be OK? If I have my parts next week I'll forgive and forget?? At least you can get a hold of Rod!

Thanks for your help!
Bob Christensen - RV-8 to be N83RC
It seems this same topic is coming up once a while and it seems that everyone is not reading the forum very well either aware of search function. Conclusions what I've done after reading all this are:

- You are building a plane for years (most are) and canopy handle and steering link are not the first parts you need.
- Don't expect to receive your order in a day, week or even in a month.
- I can't recall anyone saying that the goods would have never arrived.

==> Not to be a wise guy but why not order these things well before you actually need them (like a year)?! :(

Ok, so now people should order their finnish kit while they are still building their empenage?...great in an ideal world(but not for the builders). I may be wrong but most people don't want to make a long term financial plan to buy a product - a product that is not listed as out of stock or unavailable on the seller's website. If the seller knows there is a problem meeting demand, as you and anyone else on this forum is aware, should he not have the decency to post the fact on his website that the order may take several months?
Dashed Hopes?

Well, we waited until well past the end of July, and no parts showed up (ordered back in March, I think). I sent a note to Rod, and got a prompt reply - unfortunately, the news was not good. He said that Dave has not made good on his commitments to Rod (surprise, surprise....), and there is nothing that he can do about it.

I guess we'll go the Paypal route to try and recover our money. Anyone that knows me knows I give people a LOT of chances to make good, but I am afraid that Dave/Rivethead/Full Throttle has pushed me past the edge of my patience. Not Bashin' - just Informin'....

I guess we'll go the Paypal route to try and recover our money. Anyone that knows me knows I give people a LOT of chances to make good, but I am afraid that Dave/Rivethead/Full Throttle has pushed me past the edge of my patience. Not Bashin' - just Informin'....


Paul, I went through the exact same thing about a week ago and have already received my PayPal credit. I had ordered originally on April 27th and never received a response from Dave, so I finally gave up on him. PayPal has a 45-day limit on claims of this sort, so you have to go through the credit card associated with your PayPal account, which has a 6-month limit. If it had been within the 45 days, PayPal would have handled the claim. Not a big deal.
Has anybody put a bug in Joe's ear about his brother's apparent lack of business acumen? I've never met Dave, but Joe's a standup guy who's always been very friendly and engaging. I haven't seen him at Oshkosh for a few years, but he might know what's up with Dave.

As far as the Silver Bullet goes, I flew my plane for the first time yesterday afternoon. After reading the many posts by others claiming that direct linkages are not good, I was admittedly concerned during takeoff and landing. However, I found the control to be positive and predictable. I know, one landing doesn't make me an expert with it, but it didn't bite me in the butt. Too bad they're apparently no longer available.
PayPal has a 45-day limit on claims of this sort, so you have to go through the credit card associated with your PayPal account, which has a 6-month limit.
Thanks for the heads-up. I have almost no experience with PayPal, and this news will make me even more reluctant to use it, especially on anything that one can reasonably expect a delay in delivery.

Always very sad to see someone abuse a tight community like this one (homebuilders/pilots). I hope there is some way the credit card company can ultimately recover the money. They shouldn't be the losers in this deal.
Always very sad to see someone abuse a tight community like this one (homebuilders/pilots). I hope there is some way the credit card company can ultimately recover the money. They shouldn't be the losers in this deal.

Louise, the way I understand that it works is that the credit card company initiates the claim against PayPal, Paypal then initiates the claim against the vendor and the vendor's account is eventually docked. So, in the end, it all works out the way it should.
the way I understand that it works is that the credit card company initiates the claim against PayPal, Paypal then initiates the claim against the vendor and the vendor's account is eventually docked. So, in the end, it all works out the way it should.

That's the way it would work in an ideal situation, i.e. when you use a credit card to pay through PayPal. Unfortunately for people who pay using a direct debit from their checking account (me:eek:), the last link of that chain often breaks, simply because the vendor's PayPal account may contain zero dollars, therefore PayPal can't get any of your money back.

That's a good reason to use a credit card with PayPal, and not a debit card or the aforementioned direct transfer.


PS: 3-1/2 months and counting since I ordered my canopy latch from Pinhead, er, Rivethead. :mad:
That's a good reason to use a credit card with PayPal, and not a debit card or the aforementioned direct transfer.


Buck, you make some great points. I would only add that if you are going to use a debit card :(, make sure you file your claim within the 45 days, which puts PayPal on the hook and not the vendor. If you want more than 45 days, link your PayPal to a credit card!
I know what everyone went through.

I sent Dave a check that was cashed promptly and waited and waited and waited!

It finally did arrive and it is on my bench now.

A friend just told me that he likes his Tail Linx setup from Vans better!

I think I may be coerced into selling my Rivethead link setup in lieu of this.

Is anyone interested in swinging a deal with me?

I forget what the Rivethead part is worth, but mine is new and uninstalled.

Shoot me a PM if you are interested.

:) CJ
Well, That Money's Gone....

I guess if the vendor waits long enough, he gets to keep the money!

We ended up waiting OVER 6 months, based on our good will towards small RV vendors, but this was a mistake, as we have no parts, and no recourse, as the Credit Card company says the statute of limitations have run out. If there is anyone out there who actually knows this Dave fellow, and has a way to talk to him, you might let him know that I will never again recomend anyone doing business with him. I am known for having a lot of patience with people, but he has pushed us beyond a reasonable point. He has our money, and we have no parts.

The Silver Bullets we have are wonderfully made parts, but you can't take money and never deliver, especially in a community like this.

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Don't use Paypal if you expect more than 20 days out delivery

I just got this information in a form note from Paypal:

"Exercise caution when purchasing items with a significantly delayed delivery date. Delivery dates further than 20 days after your payment involve more risk. Please note, PayPal sellers are not allowed to sell goods with delivery dates delayed more than 20 days from the date of payment."​

Even in the "good days", Rivethead took more than 20 days for any order that I ever heard about.

I haven't used Paypal much before but learning this information will definately keep me more cautious and wiser in using them again.

I also learned from my credit card company that they will only work on a problem less than 90 days out. They claim this is standard VISA and Mastercard policy. Our order to Rivethead for some Silverbullet parts will be 6 months old this week.

At least we're not out as much as some folks I know who are out much bigger bucks on Bede kit orders.