
I'm New Here
Hi all, I'm now at the point in the construction of the empennage kit where its time to start riveting. However, each of my new rivet squeezer sets have a small black metal ring around the shank that prevents a fit into the yoke. All have the standard .187" shank size. Some squeezer sets that I had bought some time ago don't have this little ring and fit normally into all my yokes. Is this ring supposed to be removable and is it just part of the manufacturing process?

Here's a pic of what I'm referring to.


They are supposed to remain on the set shank to hold it in place. Give them a strong push,,,they will go in.
Those are tough to install and remove when they're new.

Those little springs are there to secure the shank into the yoke. They are just tight and will loosen up with use. Some of mine have 'O' rings instead of the metal ring, they fit much easier.

Don't be afraid to use a little persuasion to get them on...and you can use a thin screwdriver blade to pop them off ;)