
Well Known Member
I am working on the Verticle Stabilizer for my RV8. I am trying to Rivet the Spar Doubler VS808PP to the Rear Spar VS803PP. working on the upper rivets above the Flush on FWD side. Plans call for a AN470AD4-6 Rivet. after setting the rivet with a hand sqeezer I find that the rivet is too long. Using the Avery Tools rivet gauge. Question = did yall end up cutting every rivet or live with it being a hair to long ???? I Tried to use a AN470AD4-5 and it is to short. On the plus side I am getting really good at drilling the rivets out without enlarging the hole...

Yall ( thats southern for You All ) LOL

Rich Denton
Rivet Lengths


I just finished the tail group on my -8. I ran into situations pretty quick where the rivet called for on the drawings was a little too long or a little too short. I purchased an assortment of rivets that included 1/2 lengths. In the situation you are describing a -5.5 would be the hot ticket. I just used the rivet length that yielded a 1.5 dia. protrusion. That being said, I don't think you can go wrong just using the rivets called for on the drawing.

Half length rivets thru -6 lengths seemed readily available. Over -6 I went to Sierra Pacific. They had the -6.5 I wanted.

It did occur to me when I started purchasing rivets that we need to check the rivets when shipped and verify they are hard rivets.
Whenever I found a case where one size rivet was a bit too short and the next size rivet a bit too long, I always erred toward the long side. I don't see a need to cut all those rivets. Just squeeze them down a bit more and build on. My two cents worth.
A Hair

When I set the rivet to the correct diameter for the gauge the shop head is
.02" to .025" to long.....sorry I know a hair long don't tell you much. I can set them without causing the rivet to cleat

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I believe that the gauges that you are using provide the "minimums". For example the depth gauge, or height of driven shop head is the shortest that the head can be. It can be no less then that but it can be more. The hole diameter is the minimum width that is allowed for a shop head. It can be wider if the height is ok.
If possible I make shop heads both larger in diameter and longer in length then the minimums shown on the guage. Why work to minimum standards?
Rivet cutters are easy to use, there is no need to get a complete assortment of ? size rivets. Typically Van calls out a rivet length that will provide the length that just meets the standard. I believe they do this as it is much easier to drive shorter rivets but in quite a few locations it is very easy to over drive, a just long enough rivet. As your skills improve you will find yourself driving longer rivets and spending less time with the gauges.

thanks guys.....I took some time off to try and finish my emp kit...trying to be done before Sun-N-Fun...

Rich Denton