Rob H

Well Known Member
On page 15-05 attaching nose ribs to W1206 Spar, I saw the note at the bottom where it calls for LP4-4 rivets, too late. I mistakenly used LP4-3 instead. Has anyone overlooked this and do I need to drill out all 32 rivets and start over? The shop ends do look good, just not as much protruding out the back as what there would've been if I hadn't flubbed up. Thanks for any expert help.
I fond my transgression after finishing one wing. The other one with LP4-4's doesn't fly any better. If the skin is off just do it over with LP4-4,s. If not it's between you and you conscience.
Did you do the same thing? I put in an email to Van's, so hopefully they'll respond tomorrow.
I found a table that says the grip length of a lp4-3 max is .187in. The depth of the hole is almost exactly .187 in. So I'm definitely at the maximum use of a lp4-3. Hopefully, Van's will say "build on and don't make that mistake again".
Like I said, Bob, I'm still alive. Replace them if it's feasible. Nobody ever built a perfect airplane. Sometimes you get an awsh*t. That's when you have to exercise the common sense the Feds give us credit for as experimenters.