
Well Known Member
Anthony Johnson
February 10, 1952 - March 6, 2012


I'm sorry to share that our friend Anthony Johnson, who contributed often here with the username islandmonkey and who kept a wonderful build-log for his RV-3 and RV-4 projects, is reported by his partner Christiane to have passed in his Uster hospital near Zurich from the ravages of cancer he had been fighting since November, and which he wrote about eloquently in this thread.


Here are two more great photos that won't embed:



Tony was always a model citizen in the VAF community. His final post here last month was an offer to help Bob Axsom upgrade the power in Bob's plane whenever Tony next flew to the United States. His second to the last post was a touching story of losing a favorite dog Levis and gaining "Me Dags"--Snoopy, Floyd, and Windy--a post he wrote to help console Dayton Murdock when Dayton lost his lab Walter. These and all his prior posts showed all the characteristics of a fine man: Friendly, Helpful, Good Humored, Patriotic. It will be easy to remember Tony for the rest of my life as an example of the kind of person I want to be.

Tony is preceded in passing by his father David and his mother Sarah. He is survived by his lovely partner of eight years Christiane, his daughter Louisa, his son Paul, his daughter-in-law Claire, his sister Mary, and many loving family members.

For the last several weeks, Tony and Chrissie wore "Hang Tough" bracelets which were gifted to him by Mannan Thomason. He was thrilled by these bright yellow bands and spoke of them often, especially when he was struggling on hard days. "Hang Tough" became his motto, and that he did, right to the end.

Hang Tough, Tony! Rest Well, and Blue Skies, our friend, until we meet again.

Stephen, thanks for the photos, and great writeup about Anthony.

RIP Island Monkey
Good man. Knowledgeable and courteous. We exchanged emails couple times he gave me an excellent advice. RIP Anthony.
Condolences to the family

We are very sorry to hear about Tony passing. He was a great contributor to VAF and helped numerous people with his knowledge.

He will be remembered.....

Tailwinds.....always Tony.
sorry to hear

For the short time I have been part of VAF, islandmonkey was one of the people I enjoyed reading their posts. Always helpful and encouraging. I must have read a dozen of his posts before I got to the one about him being sick. I was encouraged when he decided to take delivery of the rest of his kit to help him through the cancer fight. It sounds like he fought to the end and had hope - thats as good as it gets sometimes. Our families prayers are with him and his family.

Thank you Stephen for keeping us up to date. God Speed Anthony.
I'm terribly saddened by this news. Rest in peace, Anthony. And, thanks for sharing the news and bio, Stephen.
Drat! I am so sorry to learn he is gone. I had really hoped to meet him someday and buy him a beer after he beat his cancer.

His friends and family have my heartfelt condolences.
I was just reading some of his previous posts and then I saw this. Although I never met Tony, I feel as though I know him and he is greatly missed.
It always hurts when you lose a friend and mentor. RIP my friend and thank you for all of your advice and insight!
I am SO sorry to read this terrible news

2012 was already the worst year of my fairly long life without this additional sad news. I am very bitter about the cancer industry and I would like to see it flat on it's self serving incompetent face with a boot on the back of it's scrawny neck. The decades of blah, blah, give us money and we will walk, run, pray, wear pink, etc. for the cure are wearing me down. So many great people in their prime are dying, not suffering or being inconvienced - THEY ARE DYING! Not because of part failures but because we haven't found out how to effectively treat this disease. We need the best and brightest to work this problem like when we developed the atomic bomb. Forget days off, forget families, movies, vacations and everything not directly related to curing cancer once and for all. Give the project a code word like silverplate and the team gets what ever thay want imediately without the need for justification. If some phoney hanger on is not the best for their job kick them off the team. I needs to be a government project with no compromise - the profit motivated free enterprize system can't get the job done.

Anthony I am so sorry you can't continue on with the life and people you loved. I would have liked to have met and you might have convinced me to work on the engine to get some more speed out of the blue bird. I am very much a loner but I think meeting you would have been a memorable event that I would have benefited from. Again, I am SO sorry to learn this sad news.

Bob Axsom
Sad news. I knew of his battle with cancer and greatly admired his positive attitude. My condolences to his family and friends.

I'm very sorry to hear about his passing. Not too long ago he visited me to look at my RV8A project. He was so excited about building an RV himself and from what I understand he finally ordered the kit not too long ago after he moved to Zuerich in Switzerland.

My condolences to his family.

I did not know Tony, but I always enjoyed everything he wrote on this forum. He appeared to be a very sincere fellow; always concerned about helping someone that was less fortunate than he was. I respect that. I know we would have been good friends.
Cancer sucks. I hate it like nothing else on this planet.

My sincerest condolences to Anthony's friends and family.
I was saddened to read this news this morning. I had just become FaceBook friends with him and somehow thought we would get to visit someday. He seemed like such a kindred spirit, especially with my surname going back to England of 1628. Discussing British history would have been an enjoyable conversation. May you Rest In Peace, Tony!
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Sincere condolences

I never knew Anthony (Tony) but like others, I enjoyed reading his VAF postings. My sincere condolences to Anthony's family and friends. Keep strong. I feel your pain.

My Dad, also named Tony, passed away from cancer 11/11/11, just a week before Anthony's original "Taking it on the chin" post. Reading Anthony's post and all the replies was very hard for me. It was only a few days before my Dad's funeral.

Dad was very poorly in July and August and was diagnosed with tumours in his colon and liver at the end of August and then further diagnosed with two more tumours in his brain a week or so later. During October, when Dad was in the hospice, I took a few bits of wiring in and Dad helped me crimp some terminals for the autopilot data feeds. So one day, when I get the -7 flying on autopilot, my Dad will be helping me stay straight and level.

I remember reading someone's first flight writeup where they said their only regret was not being able to take their father for a flight. I feel the same. I know when that first flight happens all the excitement will be tinged with the sadness of not being able to share it with Dad. But I do know how proud he was of me for what I had done in setting about building the plane. He thoroughly enjoyed looking over the plane in the garage whenever he visited.

Do yourself a favour - take your Dad flying or get them to help in your build. Sadly, bad things can and do happen. You don't get much advanced notice when the last chance will be.
I will join the ranks as one who HATES cancer. It takes to many wonderful people. It carries to high a price. Godspeed Anthony, may you rest in peace.
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So sad. A few mates are arriving this afternoon to share a few ales. We will toast the 'Island Monkey' and wish his family well.

When the weather clears we will enjoy few aeros in memory of him.

So sad. A few mates are arriving this afternoon to share a few ales. We will toast the 'Island Monkey' and wish his family well.

When the weather clears we will enjoy few aeros in memory of him.


First shout is on Island Monkey! ;)
Sorry to hear

I like most, did not know Anthony, but I read his posts and was inspired by his positive attitude when he told the news of his illness. The sentiments here and the way he is being remembered by family and friends says he was a good man. It is always a sad blow when the world looses someone like that, because there are never enough of them.

I too will raise a frothy one to his memory


I also enjoyed Anthony's posts. He looks like he was a very kind man, and I always feel more sad when even a little kindness leaves our world, it's a true loss for even those of us who did not know him personally. God bless his family and friends.
Good luck on your last flight, Anthony! I'll give you a salute, next time I'm up in the sky.

Anthony contacted me some months ago if he could visit us and have a look at our RV-4 project. Unfortunately it should never happen...

Sincere condolences to family and friends.
Very sad to hear. I was going to make contact with Tony to go see his project, but that will never be. wish i had done it long time ago.

I am Englishman livng in Switzerland with an RV4 imported to UK.

Rest In Peace
Just the beginning...

Tony and I had chatted many times concerning THE coolest RV :) His easy going persona and technical savvy were rare indeed. I never had a chance to chat with him about eternity though, my only regret.


Heaven is real, for those who believe...
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Tony was a great help to me in dealing with my health issue, as well. Mine is curable with surgery, and that's happening. But the courage he had in facing his disease was inspirational.

If anyone wants to fly a "missing man" for Tony, take some pictures and post them.

Tony was showing courage by simply doing what we are doing: building an airplane without knowing you'll live long enough to complete it. I promise to put an "island monkey" logo sticker on mine when it's done.

I'll miss our conversations. Rest well, my friend.