
Well Known Member
I am using a very effective smelly stripper that was obtained from a local aircraft paint shop. I presume it is methylene chloride based. Whar should I use to rinse off the residue with. I assume that this gunk will not be welcome under new paint.
I am using a very effective smelly stripper that was obtained from a local aircraft paint shop. I presume it is methylene chloride based. Whar should I use to rinse off the residue with. I assume that this gunk will not be welcome under new paint.

Denatured alcohol does a good job. Use some fluffy rags and pour it to wet it down. Damp cloths won't clean off the film.

Around a wood shop, wood shavings do a good job of soaking up the paint residue, and then scrubbing with a brush and alcohol with a soak up with the shavings again. I use hand fulls of dust from my table saw. It much less mess than rags and more effective cleaning. I don't know a good substitute for wood chips/shavings.
Rinsing Stripper... really!

Am I the only one who has an image from the Flashdance movie running through my head right now? :eek:

I've got to get my head on straight. Leaving for Oshkosh this afternoon. Maybe a hefty dose of AirVenture will set my head straight.
one track brains....

I'm right there with ya Ron,

...except my first thought was that the pole should be dried thoroughly after rinsing to preclude corrosion! :rolleyes:

( excellent time to test the new leaf-blower!>!>)