
Well Known Member
I purposely did the left wing first because the plans showed the left wing and i could make sense of that.

Is the right wing symmetrically opposite? Why couldn’t vans show a layout for the right wing?
They do this a lot - many, many sections of my RV-10 instructions show one side of something (wings, rudder pedals, engine baffling, main landing gear, etc etc etc.) and then the instructions say something along the lines of "repeat mirror image for other side".

Probably saves 25% of the paper for making extra copies for the "other side" when all it would show are the same parts again, in mirror image.

My process as I build is to put a blue or red pen check next to each line item as I do it. Makes it easy to visually confirm where I am, where I stopped, what I skipped as needed, etc.

For sections where you follow the instructions and then do the other side, I put a check for the first side and a draw a box to be checked for the other side when I go back and repeat. For parts where I can work on both sides simultaneously in anticipation of the "go back and do the other side" instruction, I double check the parts where I did both sides.

Once in a while the "mirror image" gets a little confusing, since you need to think in reverse of the picture for dimpling or assembly or something, since the drawing shows one side and the other side would be mirrored. But you get used to it.
Ditto here.

We lay things out on the bench so we get our heads around mirror images.

The most frustrating thing is the way Vans label parts L & R. This does not necessarily mean it relates to a left wing or right wing, it normally means which way a flange or part faces.

That drove us to distraction on the RV12 build.

We were certain we had insufficient ribs until the penny dropped.

I am on my 5th build and only this week had to de rivet an aileron end plate because my build buddy passed me the wrong bit and I failed to cross check....

For the sake of one extra page, a snap or lay out of the mirror would be so helpful.

And Vans..... Please - revise the 10 plans - they are pants :mad: