
Well Known Member
I have scratched my canopy and bought a Scratch off kit, however I'm wondering if I would be better off doing this job after it warms up... Temps are now in the 35 to 50 degree range.

I know you are better served cutting the canopy when it is warm but does the temp of the plexi make a difference in doing repairs?
Since you won't be cutting or drilling or otherwise stressing the canopy, there's probably not much worry of cracking the canopy at any temp. If you're still worried about it though, then obviously warmer is better.

But a different question-- there may be an optimal temperature range for the scratch removal process that achieves the best results. Best to call and ask the manufacturer or the scratch removal kit.
As luck would have it, I was just at an airport committee meeting with the manufacturer of the Scratch Off kit. I will forward this to him and see what he says.
Here's the answer, straight from the horses mouth.


Hi Jeff!

Thanks for the link...

Although we have exhaustively tested Scratch-Off compounds at low and high
temperatures, (40-50 and above 85), and have had success, we recommend
working temperatures above 65 and less than 80. (Please note all temps are
Fahrenheit). The compounds are a culmination of years of research and are
compromised of fairly complex chemical chains - these chains require
certain temps to work in harmony. The aggregates in them are of a
diminishing return- that is they start out aggressive, needed for defect
removal, and as they are worked they break down into microscopic
"marbles" if you will. These microspheric marbles create a "No Cut" action
helping to finish off the surface leaving little or no swirls - depending
on the experience of the user. To date - this technology is the purest
form of polishing acrylic and polycarbonate surfaces. This process has
maximized performance between 65 and 80 degrees Fahrenheit.

I hope this helps.


Thanks for the response

Now I have a excuse not to stand in a cold hangar... No heat available, I'll wait until it warms up a bit to tackle this project

Much appreciated....
Revival of old thread

Can anyone recommend a scratch removal system for the canopy? We have very fine scratches in multiple areas. Thanks team
I’ve had good luck with the Novus product line:
#1, everyday cleaning.
#2, haze (also works great if you get a little paint overspray on the glass).
#3, for deep scratches (then followed by #2).


The one really deep scratch I put on the glass I first wet sanded with 1000 then 1500 grit paper. Then #3 followed by #2.

+1 for Carl's recommendation. I purchased all 3 Novus polishers, based on another thread (and Carl's recommendation). Worked great on the wing tip and in-wing landing light plexi.