Well Known Member
My right strobe does not work except very occasionally. Both Nav lights work fine and the left strobe works fine. Sometimes, the right strobe will work. Net, it's intermittent. The white light itself works just fine. Just the flashing doesn't.

I'm not sure how I hadn't noticed it until now, but well, there ya go. Anyway, before I go run ragged, I was wonder if anyone would have a natural progression of troubleshooting steps I should do to isolate the issue?

I didn't build this 12, but do have all the plans/etc. If I don't reply right away to a response, it's only because I'm away from PC tonight starting in about 30 min. But will check in AM.

You need to tell us more info...
If it’s an LED or traditional Whelen, they may have a centrally located power supply or control board. If so, swap the left and right wires to the wing tip. If the problem moves to the left, the problem is in the power supply or control board. If it stays with the right, the problem is wiring to the tip or at the tip.
Some LEDs are completely independent left-right; for those check right side wiring and power supply/controller.
That sounds like it may be an intermittent break in the circuit.... first place I would check are the connections between the wing and the fuse. Take the wing off on that side and verify that all is secure in the way it should be per build manual
I’ll second Azjulian’s suggestion. I had a very similar issue. I had a bad crimp on the ground terminal connection at my RH wing root connector. Solved the problem.
Fixed!... Just needed to jiggle the handle a bit (wing out and wing back in) and presto, it works. So likely need to just snug up connection a bit better. Whew!
The early models used screw heads contacting each other at wing root, new models use a plastic connector, I modified my screw head connection with a plug connector, the screw heads always broke contact and my strobes were intermittant.