
Active Member
Going to look at a 6A this weekend for possible purchase. I like to fly from the right seat and give instruction once in awhile but this particular ship has no brakes on the right rudder pedals. Are these a big deal to install?
Also, the seller has compiled an amazingly comprehensive POH where the gross weight is listed as 1800 lbs. The phase one testing shows 1400lbs which is where he flies the plane most of the time. I plan to use 1650 per Van's recommendation. Is it a big deal to change this? Do I just test at 1650 and make a log entry?
The brakes are not that hard to add. Install the pedals and master cylinders, run the plumbing. It is the location that adds difficulty, since you are doing it all in the most uncomfortable position imaginable. If you can, remove the whole pedal assembly and do it outside of the plane. This may not be possible depending on where the cold are vents are located. Depending on the age of the plane it may have floor mounted or overhead mounted rudder pedals. If they are floor mounted, This would be a good time to convert to overhead. Either way, make sure the pedal gusset service bulletin has been incorporated (again kit-age dependent)
What is your age and waist size?

I've been thinking about adding right brakes to my 6A for a while. It's easy to remove the seat backs and baggage bulkhead so you can stretch out your legs and work under the panel. I'm 67 and weigh 180 and I can still manage. The cross brace behind the seat backs is the biggest problem. Also, your cell phone will invariably ring and you will not have all the tools you need once you thread yourself into position. John
I have the floor mounted pedals and would love to add them to my plane but don't really want to do the work to convert to the overhead style pedals.
You don't need to log a change to your W&B info in your POH unless the aircraft itself has changed. Modifying the aircraft in such a way that the CG or empty weight changes (like a paint job, or propeller change) merits a log entry but just changing the max gross limitation does not.

For the rudder pedals, the big question is: are the tabs on the current pedals. If not, you will definitely have to remove the pedals to get the tabs welded on and re-powdercoated for the right-side brakes. Drawing 43 or 43A shows the pedal installation, Drawing 49 shows the plumbing. You can request the plans set from Vans in digital form, if they are not available with the aircraft in question.
Thanks for the responses. I kind of figured the location would be the biggest challenge. I leave the cell on "Do not disturb" and just check messages periodically. :D