
Well Known Member
Getting ready to start my RV7 build, I have been thinking about setting up the right seat for PIC, I have heard of it being done but seems to be pretty rare. It seems to me to make more sense, more of the single seat or tandem feel with the controls. Is this done more than I realize, maybe just no benefits and only downfalls?
Getting ready to start my RV7 build, I have been thinking about setting up the right seat for PIC, I have heard of it being done but seems to be pretty rare. It seems to me to make more sense, more of the single seat or tandem feel with the controls. Is this done more than I realize, maybe just no benefits and only downfalls?

Why not just build it normally. Put an EFIS screen on the left and one on the right.

Sit in any seat you wish and fly with whatever hand you wish.
As long as you install dual brakes and layout the panel so you can see what you need to see from the right seat, then you can fly from either side as much as you wish. If you focus efforts on the right side (no good instruments on left, no trims accessible from the left, etc), then your resale may suffer. There is no reason you can't build in symmetrically, though, and have all features available to both seats. Then you can see which seat you prefer to fly it from.
Both seats

My 9A is set up for either seat. I fly it about half the time from the right seat. It is more like a tandem flying position from the right seat with the throttle in your left hand.

Throttle position

Anyone ever mount the throttle/mix/prop controls vertically?
Seems like it would make for a symmetrical cockpit.
We have our -6 set up to fly from either seat. When we go X/C we swap out flying alternate legs. I fly from the left seat and Ann flies from the right.

Another interesting note; She has her side set up in MPH and I have mine set up in knots so she goes a little faster than me. But she also has further to go so we usually get there about the same time.

I also have a friend that used to fly a -3 so he had me set his airplane up to fly from the right side.
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We have our -6 set up to fly from either seat....
Another interesting note; She has her side set up in MPH and I have mine set up in knots so she goes a little faster than me. But she also has further to go so we usually get there about the same time.

You, Sir, are what we like to call "a funny, funny guy." :D
I set mine up to fly from either side. Both stick grips are full function. The first time I flew on the right side, it was surprisingly easy and not awkward at all as I expected. With the duel Sky View screens, it is really convenient. It is nice to allow my pilot buddies to fly with me from the left seat for their first RV experience!:D

My RV6A has two GRT units and I can swap engine gauges and flight instruments to either side and I have vertical engine controls. It works very well, the only left seat operations are starter and auto-pilot but you could center those also. I think right seat only hurts resale.
I have a redundant throttle on the left side of the cockpit in my 7. I fly right handed if that makes any sense. I would offer one more thought based on my experience. If you want to fly from one side or the other, make sure you can see what you need. I have a beautiful G3X on the right side of my cockpit but I can't see it from the left side, in spite of the small cockpit. I never bother to look at it in flight. It's a shame because it would be a great moving map to compliment my EFIS.
I just built mine with dual brakes and an efis display on each side. It is flown all the time from either seat. I fly it from the right seat almost exclusively these days so that we aren't always monkeying with seat and seatbelt setup.
I think right seat PIC is a good idea. I'm building a symmetrical panel for just that reason -- so I can fly with stick right, throttle left hand for aerobatics.

Fun fact, the USAF's DA-20s used in flight screening are setup with the PIC in the right seat.

"...I have been thinking about setting up the right seat for PIC..."

I had several hours in a couple of RV variants during the early build process and decided I didn't like the "left stick/right throttle" arrangement. It wasn't that I couldn'tfly from left seat, it was that I didn't like it. All my stick time was of the "fighter pilot" variant and my "muscle memory" (or whatever you want to call it) was all "left throttle/right stick". I was noticeable smoother flying the "natural way", especially in formation. It is interesting that I am smoother flying left seat in a yoke equipped aircraft - even flying formation - natural, I suppose, given that the majority of my "crew-served" aircraft time was in that seat.

So... The decision was made early on that I would be flying from the right seat; although I have a Dynon Skyview installed, I also added an altimeter and an airspeed on the bottom left of the panel so the co-pilot has something to use when it's his/her turn at the controls. (I also installed a Garmin 196 on that side to give the cojo something to play with; when "adding to the C of G" with friends whose instrument panel was PIC-biased, I had noticed that there was nothing on my side with which to amuse myself.) (;>0)

PS Although the Skyview is slightly biased right, it is close enough to the left seat occupant that he/she could operate it.

Best of luck

Another interesting note; She has her side set up in MPH and I have mine set up in knots so she goes a little faster than me. But she also has further to go so we usually get there about the same time.

I showed this to my 11-year old girl who likes those math word problems they give you in school. I said "here, figure this one out." Her reply: "That makes no sense at all!":D

"...I have been thinking about setting up the right seat for PIC..."

I had several hours in a couple of RV variants during the early build process and decided I didn't like the "left stick/right throttle" arrangement. It wasn't that I couldn'tfly from left seat, it was that I didn't like it. All my stick time was of the "fighter pilot" variant and my "muscle memory" (or whatever you want to call it) was all "left throttle/right stick". I was noticeable smoother flying the "natural way", especially in formation. It is interesting that I am smoother flying left seat in a yoke equipped aircraft - even flying formation - natural, I suppose, given that the majority of my "crew-served" aircraft time was in that seat.

So... The decision was made early on that I would be flying from the right seat; although I have a Dynon Skyview installed, I also added an altimeter and an airspeed on the bottom left of the panel so the co-pilot has something to use when it's his/her turn at the controls. (I also installed a Garmin 196 on that side to give the cojo something to play with; when "adding to the C of G" with friends whose instrument panel was PIC-biased, I had noticed that there was nothing on my side with which to amuse myself.) (;>0)

PS Although the Skyview is slightly biased right, it is close enough to the left seat occupant that he/she could operate it.

Best of luck


I'm exactly the same way. Left hand yoke, right hand stick. I wouldn't mind flying a tricycle gear airplane with a stick in my left hand, but the amount of finesse/fine motor control that I have developed over the years for right hand stick is vital for good tailwheel ops. I would not trust myself to land my -8 with my left hand on the stick in any kind of 'interesting' conditions. Dead calm probably OK. If I ever do build a S-by-S airplane, I will no doubt set it up for right seat PIC.
I fly my RV-10 from the right seat. Most of my time is in tandem aircraft with a stick. Like others have mentioned I prefer left hand with a yoke, right hand with a stick. My wife is also a pilot and prefers the left seat, so we each have our own setup that doesn't have to change. The -10 is pretty symmetric now, but is getting a pretty major upgrade soon to make it work really well for PIC from either seat.