
VAF Moderator / Line Boy
The Right Place? Sitting in the front seat of my RV-8, 1800' over the coastal plains, just a few miles from home...

The Right Time? 0715 in the morning - a quick dawn patrol before going to work...

The Picture? Priceless! (glad the camera was in my pocket...)


"Oh what a Heavenly Light!"

Portrate vs. landscape

Too bad you had the camera sideways, that would have made a neat screen background.

Or, one of Dougs calendar pages.
I bet he took one horizontal as well. Paul?

Well, I did take a couple that way, but the stuff on the ground in the foreground (some rectalinear rice paddies) really didn't contribute to the overall effect of the picture. The one I posted can always be cropped....

Would you mind posting a bigger version? I'd really like to print it out and put in in my shop!
I'll send you a MP with mail mail.
