
Active Member
Guys....I am attaching the right elevator to the stabilizer and before drilling the hole to match the control horn to the center bearing I just want some feedback. The elevator swings easily and everything looks great. The only concern I have is from the instructions that state, "double check all dimensions." I checked the gap between the counterweight skin on the elevator to the end of the horizontal stabilizer. The distance is consistent along the gap. I checked the distance between the cut-out on the elevator skin where the rod bearings connect to the hinge brackets and they are the same....It seems like a perfect fit, but because I am an amateur I question when everything seems perfect. What other dimensions should I be concerned with before drilling the hole in the control horn?
From the hip.

Seems to me that the only issue could be that the straight line for the right elevator is not in line with the left. Check this by clamping a piece of wood wrapped in sandpaper between the horns and see if it still moves smooth. The sandpaper will keep the assembly from shifting under clamp pressure. If an alignment problem presents itself, you should be able to feel it.
Just winging it, make sense?
You don't have to drill it right now. I did mine at final rigging and assy which was 7 years after building the tail.

Build the left elevator and then revisit the center bearing later
You don't have to drill it right now. I did mine at final rigging and assy which was 7 years after building the tail.

Build the left elevator and then revisit the center bearing later

Agreed - don't drill the control horn yet, build the other elevator first and mount it on the HS then drill them together.