
My RV7A is in Burns, Oregon being painted. I am flying into Redmond and looking for a ride from there, back to Burns to pick it up. Date for completion is around May 11th. A bonus is you can see my newly painted airplane, and get a ride in it if you want.

C A Mansfield
RV33WE at gmail dot com
IO360, James cowl & plenum
the local eaa chapter meeting is i think may 11 second wednesday of the month. anyway there are several RV owners there every week. I haven't gone for several months and i don't know who would like to go to burns, but maybe i could check
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Flight over?

Weather permitting, I could fly you over in a rental 152 from Redmond if you want to split the cost. Unfortunately, my RV is stuck in The Dalles getting a new engine, but I'm checked out at Butler Aviation on the field in RDM. I'm flying to Bend from a business trip on Thursday the 12th and will be there through the weekend before heading back to Portland.
i sent an email to the local eaa newsletter person, if its ok he is forwarding your request to the eaa members.
