
VAF Moderator / Line Boy
For those folks wondering what it looks like to fly with a ?Highway In The Sky? display, I shot this little demo video of an approach to Runway 12 at Anahuac, TX (T00) the other day. (Rick Pellicciotti was kind enough to host this on his web site, and asks that people ?right click and download? rather than running from his server, or the entire internet - and the space-time continuum - might come to a screeching halt!)

This is a GPS non-precision approach, but the Grand Rapids EFIS can create a Synthetic Approach to any runway using GPS data. (Now obviously, you are not going to use the vertical guidance in anything but an advisory capacity, and not below Minimums unless you have the runway in sight! I just did this there because I thought about enabling the recorder function on the EFIS, which I never remember to do when I am flying an ILS. You can couple the ILS to the HITS, so it looks the same as this. When the ILS is live, you get needles or bars - your choice - in addition to HITS.)

I wasn't intending to land from this, I just wanted folks to see what it looks like to fly the HITS display, so I was cooking down on this little unsuspecting field at 170+ knots. Not the way to fly an ILS, but it does allow a 3,000 fpm missed approach! I rolled onto the final approach course from the east, right about DEPPY, (the FAF) and went directly inbound. A few things to note if you are not familiar with the GRT HS display:

1) You will note the circle with the little stub "wings and tail". This is the Velocity Vector, which tells you where the airplane is going (not where it is pointed). Keep it inside the corridor, and you're going to end up at the runway.

2) Directly underneath the Velocity Vector, you'll see a number - this is computed height above the runway (computed from GPS). Anahuac is about 20' MSL, so it is essentially the same as the Baro altitude in this case, but this is quite useful when going into airports with significant altitude. Less math to do in your head.

3) This is the GRT HS Display - this is a higher resolution, brighter, and larger screen than the original EFIS, but using the original processor. Their next generation HX EFIS will have the Synthetic Vision Virtual Terrain that we've been seeing lovely picture of recently. (No, I can't wait either! ) The HS does give us the line of engine and systems data along the bottom - it allows me to use the second screen (not shown, below this) for moving map, HSI, etc) and still see engine stuff.

4) Most of the data on the screen are easily interpreted by anyone who has seen a modern EFIS PFD. Some of the data in the bottom blocks might be ambiguous, because they are user (me!) defined. In the lower right block, I have fuel remaining, Percent Power, Range Remaining, and Fuel Flow. In the lower left block, you will see Next Waypoint, Time to Waypoint, Distance to Waypoint, and Groundspeed. Ignore the Selected heading - I wasn?t using it, so I left it randomly where it was (090 degrees), but that is used to drive the autopilot if I want. The "G+XX" number above the altimeter setting in the lower right is the current difference between barometric and GPS altitude - interesting to know!

He forgot to mention he was taking the Space Shuttle for a spin around the pattern. :)

Hey, I you tend to fly the speeds you're used to! :)

I was asked in a PM about the "MISSED" down at the bottom. That's an edge-key label that you push if you're going missed - I didn't press it this time, as I wasn't really trying to show that.

I also have to admit how I got the video so "bump free" - I recorded the approach in the unit, then played back, sitting on the ground in the hangar, and shot it with the video camera just sitting in a motionless cockpit. It's a lot better video - and a lot safer that way!

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it played automatically

when i clicked on your link it started playing in my media player. that is i could not just down load it. i did not watch it because i don't want to squat on your band width. can you put up a page that will have some sort of down load file or is ok now.
That is so cool! So much more intuitive that the old 'cross the needles' routine. I really liked the flashing altitude after about 600 agl, pretty handy.

Thanks Paul, my RV8 only has a turn and bank. I am saving my $ for the HX synthetic vision GRT. So many toys, so little time.

how to download

when i clicked on your link it started playing in my media player. that is i could not just down load it. i did not watch it because i don't want to squat on your band width. can you put up a page that will have some sort of down load file or is ok now.

don't click on the link. right click it then select "save target as" and it will download.

I originally cut my pannel for the Grand Rapids, but just couldn't afford it at the time. Installed the Dynon D10-A in the interim. The Dynon worked great, by the way, I just wanted the Grand Rapids to go with the Tru-Trak autopilot. I finally saved up enough to buy it. (Darn fuel prices:mad:)

I've been the last 3 weeks installing the Grand Rapids Sport in my _8. I finally performed the "Smoke Test" today. Couple of more wires and programming to finish up.

Looking forward to doing some 170kt. approaches!!!!!!!!!:D

I, too, love the GRT and the HITS. That said, here's a caution. I've noticed on more than one occasion that the HITS vertical guidance differs from the ILS enough to be of concern. The reason is somewhere in the logic of the GRT. I forget if it's computing the altitude from the GPS or the baro, but it would have put me lower than the needle in both cases. The flight path indicator was at the top line of the HITS corridor all the way down and the ILS said I was where I should be. This was observed while doing practice approaches with a CFII sitting right seat.
I, too, love the GRT and the HITS. That said, here's a caution. I've noticed on more than one occasion that the HITS vertical guidance differs from the ILS enough to be of concern. The reason is somewhere in the logic of the GRT. I forget if it's computing the altitude from the GPS or the baro, but it would have put me lower than the needle in both cases. The flight path indicator was at the top line of the HITS corridor all the way down and the ILS said I was where I should be. This was observed while doing practice approaches with a CFII sitting right seat.


Somewhere burried in a setup page is a selection for "Slave HITS Glideslope to ILS" (or something like that - I don't have it handy). Have you got that checked? I'm always careful to fly the REAL glideslope, but haven't noticed a variation.


Thanks for the plot - that is exactly where I was flying!;)

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Wow. At risk of applying an overused word....simply AWESOME. Years ago, I endlessly played Microsoft Flight Sim with HITS. As many gamers already know, you could either fly through rectangular boxes like your flight depicts or slightly alter the format to follow the "yellow brick road." I often dreamed of flying a real airplane using it and that such technology is making its way into the cockpit at an affordable cost is testament to what can happen when dreamers and designers are allowed free expression devoid of crippling regulation. The experimental aircraft movement of which we are proud members is going to demonstrate the safety and utility of HITS to general aviation and I am convinced that over time as the technology matures many lives will be saved in no small part by dramatically decreasing pilot workload in sometimes difficult, challenging, even threatening situations. HITS will become to IFR flight what GPS has accomplished for situational awareness. Thanks for sharing.
A great video Paul. I watched it 10 times and noticed some different groovy little feature on the display every time.

This is the sort of video GRT (and all the other EFIS manufacturers) should have on their website....I'm AMAZED that they don't. They're missing out on a very logical and powerful sales tool.

If the manufacturers each had a video of the actual operations of their main pages then builders could REALLY see the differences in funtionality.

I guess with constant software upgrades it would mean updating the videos from time to time....but I reckon it would be time well spent.

Your video hilighted the fact that the static screen page photos on the website are almost useless for understanding how things actually operate.
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Thanks Bob - that's one of the main reasons I did it!

I agree 100% that the EFIS manufacturers should have these kinds of things on their sites - they can sell their features so much better that way. We have t=some very smart and creative engineering talent building EFIS's these days - the probably just don't think about how much better their web sites could be.

I might have to try to do the same thing with the Dynon's in the -6....but I'll have to shoot it "on the fly" because it doesn't have the record and playback feature.

I just sent a message to Todd Stehouwer at GRT telling him to check out this link.

(Hope you dont mind if he steals the video.....)

Dave T.
Legacy RG
What would be really cool is to have a split screen setup, the current video and a shot out the windshield showing the actual pilots view at the same time sequence.
Well I'm not iron, but I probably have test flight video footage of a simple SAP approach using the Trutrak along with the original LOG file. I'm down the hanger today - I'll try and replay / video the screens for a comparision if I get a moment. It is original H1 screens so not as 'pretty' as Pauls but might give some ideas....

It is really cool, the only issue is the GPS reference for our local airfield is the middle of the appron so the approach is about 100' to the left of the runway......


Thats niiice!..:)

And much better than my (non autopilot) cackhanded approaches..:)

What would be really cool is to have a split screen setup, the current video and a shot out the windshield showing the actual pilots view at the same time sequence.

Well Mike, at Anahuac, there isn't really much to see......just a runway and a vast expanse of salt-grass prairie!

And Frank, this was hand-flown - so the fact that I wasn't in the center of the boxes is no fault of Tru Trak! (I was actually busy talking with another inbound from a different direction, to make sure that we didn't conflict, and wasn't really concentrating that hard on being in the center.)

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Cool Vid!


First off, I noticed that your ball wasn't centered. Tsk, Tsk. lol

I understand the concept and purpose of HITS, and this was the first "practical" demonstration that I've seen. I definately see the merits of the HITS concept, although I don't know if I like the system that you are using.

It almost seems as if there is too much information, its cluttered to me. The boxes are white, the pitch bars are white, there is too much white. I understand the number in the center as being an altitude countdown, but again, for me it was more of a distraction.

Now, I might have a completely different attitude if I were actually flying behind the screen as opposed to watching the movie on my computer from my couch. I see the potential in the system, I just don't agree with that particular display.

Of course, then again, you're not really the guy to tell all this to are you, lol. Oh well, I just wanted to throw my $0.04 (increase for inflation) out to the group.

Hi James,

yeah, I'm just a user...but the GRT folks lurk and contribute here, an all comments makes things better! Clutter is a definite consideration, but the good news is that you can turn things off! I was showing pretty much everything, just to do it. Also, colors are selectable, so you can pick different ones for different things. That's the great thing about configurable systems - they can be peronalized.
