
Well Known Member
Anybody up for a little early start flyin? I'm thinking of holding the yearly Kickoff flyin either February 21 or 28th. That would leave me time to Black Magic finished and time flown off so I can have an airplane at my flyin;) Just testing the dates to see if it interferes with anything else going on either weekend. I'll post the information on local motels and such as the plans evolve.

Chime in and let me know. Sure would be fun to have another good weather year and push 100 RV's again.
Family there

Let me know when. My brother lives there and it's a great excuse to go (as if I need one).

I suggest the 21st and have the 28th as backup for bad weather should it take the 1st date out of play.
I will be there if weather permitting. This year I can fly the 7A (60Hrs.) instead of the Warrior.
Southern Indiana
Sounds like February 21st will be the date. I'll post additional information, check on getting several hundred Hooter's wings, door prizes, etc. Remember, this is a very low key flyin but usually with a good RV turnout. Bring your best hangar lies.........."there was this one time, inverted, in the clouds, at night, in my taildragger.............."
I'll have to drive up - I'm still building mine

Bummer, I'll have to drive because my plane is still in the building stage.
I'll put it on the calendar to attend though. Do you think I can hitch a ride if I stick my thumb out at KLOU?
... and put the front back on your airplane:D What's the status?

I've got the front put back on and am now doing the fiberglass work around the windscreen and slider gap. It's getting there, suffice to say it is much easier to build than it is to rebuild.
Richmond Fly-in postponed

Ok here is the scoop, I talked to Dana and he said that it is too muddy :-(
He said that he plans on trying for March 7th and that he will put out another email in a few days with details.
Ok here is the scoop, I talked to Dana and he said that it is too muddy :-(
He said that he plans on trying for March 7th and that he will put out another email in a few days with details.

The weather forecast for Saturday calls for 31 degrees and snow showers:( with the long range forecast calling for rain the middle of next week. I'm going, as Bobby said, make the call and we will make a firm date of March 7th. Put it on your calender!! I plan on having Black Magic put back together, painted and standing proud that Saturday!! More to follow as the date approaches.