
Forum Peruser
Well, the weather looks to be just perfect. I didn't get to go, but I'm looking forward to seeing the photos and hearing the reports of the fly in. By visual contact and by listening to RV's flying overhead chatting on an air-to-air frequency, I counted 10 RV's from Alabama going up this morning at about 8:00. I'm sure there were more. I think most of them were stopping at Shelbyville, SYI, for the EAA Breakfast. I've got a feeling it's gonna be a huge turnout.
It was a great day for flying - there were tons of people there.
I just got back to Indy - flew the 172 down there (the -8 empennage wouldn't make it alone! :D ) I'll post some pics when I get them downloaded...
Thanks to Dana for arranging the fly in - I think the Hooters girls had fun on their ride with the formation guys!

Radomir, I like this one:


Nice paint job!

:cool: CJ
I'll post a message later today but just a heads up. 93 Total RVs scattered throughout the day, 130+ total aircraft and 148 registered guests. Man, what an RV day.

Dana :)