
Well Known Member
This afternoon while step drilling the rib system holes for a SB-375 bushing/ system holes the rib slipped and created this feature or creature, depending on perspective. See link below.

*see picture in next thread.....I’m a little IT challenged

I don’t think it presents a structural issue, it’s just ugly. But, I wanted to get an expert opinion before I order a new rib, or JB weld the bushing in place and move

Lastly, is step drilling the best way going forward. I have a block under the rib to prevent creep.
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Possible Remedy

I can't claim to be an expert but my wings are complete. In my opinion you don't need to buy another rib. That hole is not in a critical location because most of the load is carried by the skins, and it doesn't look too close to any edge. So I would try cleaning it up by using the next size up bushing i.e. to fit 0.437 or 0.500 hole.
I also use a step drill and do not use backing blocks because the bit tends to self-centre, but it does need to be held perpendicular to the surface and with the piece being drilled properly supported. I think drilling into a backing block could actually make it harder to control.
You might ask Van's if you can rivet a doubler over the damaged hole and then drill a hole in the doubler to the correct size. One side of the doubler would probably need to be curved to match the flange around the lightening hole.

There was enough material to take my modified scotchbrite wheel on my grinder and nicely open the hole up for a snug fitted 1/2 SB.
Thanks again