
Well Known Member
I had posted some time ago that I had started having problems with my Garmin 430W radio transmissions interrupting power to my AP-74 autopilot and my Dynon D-100 EMS. Also, when transmitting on my #2 radio which is a Garmin SK 40 interrupts power to my Garmin 430w causing it to reboot from scratch. My Dynon D-180 EFIS is NOT affected (thank goodness) by radio transmissions.

So, I am suspecting RF interference issues. I do not recall these issues happening before I had a GDL-82 installed for ADSB compliance. Has anyone else experienced this issue? And what did you do to solve the problem? Could it simply be a matter of shared common grounds? Routing of the GDL-82 Coax?

Thanks in advance for comments..