
Well Known Member
I’ve been operating under the understanding that if I use the KAIs available in the store, after having logged into my personalized account, I would always get the very latest versions of the KAIs.

However, I am now finding that this is NOT the case ! There are updates/revisions showing that are not being reflected in the plans available for my specific aircraft ( an RV-12iS) in the store. This doesn’t seem to be correct behavior to me. Were my assumptions incorrect?

Not good!

The KAI for your airplane came with the kits and are applicable to those parts. Later KAI sections don't apply. For changes that affect your airplane, see the service letters and service bulletins.

Sometimes a late service bulletin is part of a kit. This was the case with the RV-12iS that Boulder High School is building. SB-00053 was included in the kit but has not made it into the KAI yet. When a future KAI comes out that includes this, it could potentially include other changes which would not be applicable to this airplane.

RV-3B now on the cowling
RV-12iS mentoring at the high school
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The KAI for your airplane came with the kits and are applicable to those parts. Later KAI sections don't apply. For changes that affect your airplane, see the service letters and service bulletins.

Sometimes a late service bulletin is part of a kit. This was the case with the RV-12iS that Boulder High School is building. SB-00057 was included in the kit but has not made it into the KAI yet. When a future KAI comes out that includes this, it could potentially include other changes which would not be applicable to this airplane.

RV-3B now on the cowling
RV-12iS mentoring at the high school

Sometimes (e.g. as of late) the KAIs are updated as a result of service bulletins. If I have the latest KAI for the 12iS, I should have the changes required to satisfy the SB. I don’t understand “would not be applicable”. It would still be the KAI for the make and model I am building.
Turns out I was wrong. Take a look at Section 1, page 01iS/U-06. Look for "A Word About the Builder's Manual." The excerpt below is from the 05/01/18 copy that I have here. I haven't checked for revisions to it.

Among other things it says: "When you find a builders manual page with a later date or higher revision number than the one you have...
IF it shows a portion of construction you have not reached... THEN simply print-out the new page and destroy the old one.
IF it shows a portion of construction you have already accomplished...
THEN there is NO NEED to re-do any step of construction to conform with a revision.
In any situation, there is NO NEED to keep track of exactly what changed."

So, I think this means the link to your plans in the store should always deliver the latest versions, but that’s not currently the case, at least for me.