
Well Known Member
I have loved my lowrance 1000 and used several of their prior models for years. however, they no longer support their aviation products. so, convinced that a single function gps would be more robust than an ipad, I bought an ifly720. the no attached battery was not ideal, cables have a tendency to cause problems. the screen was pretty good. I discovered that I don't care for flying from a sectional view, that a vector chart is less cluttered and much easier to read. the lowrance had extensive filtering for that, ifly, none. then the crashes started. three out of four flights it would lock up. I suspected it had to do with a feature that shows a satellite pic of the airport as you approach. the unit would lock up as I got near my airport and none of the buttons worked. the screen with radio buttons allowed you to select all of them at once. I tried updating the operating system, they sent me a new unit. I flew OR to OH and back, no problems. then a few weeks later, crash. I tried running thru the battery, thinking perhaps I'm having some voltage spikes, altho' my lowrances never had any problems. that seemed to work. but no, it was locking up again. one flight, I never touched a single button, and upon taxiing back to the hangar realized nothing was working. marv golden was very nice to me and refunded money despite being out of warranty period. I would have loved to use this product, but when things get dicey, you really don't have time to screw with rebooting the gps. one flight even that wasn't working very well so I had to, gasp, use my compass [keep meaning to swing that again] and a sectional. so, long story long, I'm looking at an ipad mini and an app. at first glance I'm wondering why flyQ doesn't get more press? I am surprised at how much button pushing is needed with foreflight to find the closest airports. I really prefer buttons to touch screens, but i'll learn to live with it.
The Ipads do not have the best sunlight visibility. I fly an open cockpit plane with an Garmin Aera 500 and a 172 with an Aera 510 (also coupled to a GL-39 ADS-B receiver). I would recommend a used Garmin 296, but they are not compatible with the GL-39 ADS-B receiver. The Aera 500 series is. Wouldn't recommend paying extra for a GPS with XM anymore, as the ADS-B stuff is getting a lot better and is free (after paying for the receiver). I also have Foreflight on my Iphone, and have received weather on it in the air when I couldn't get it via ADS-B. It is also one of my backup GPS's. The GL-39 will also work with Garmin's program on an Ipad or Iphone which is pretty good.