
Active Member
Sorry for short fuse getting this post out. I plead real life.

We are returning to Petit Jean State Park, Arkansas, for fly-in camping, on Friday November 16. Identifier KMPJ. We had a great time last year, if you haven't been to this great facility you owe it to yourself to join us. Wooded campsites (with fire pits) for tent camping basically adjacent to where you park your airplane, excellent bath house with hot showers.

Last year we got a lift over to the lodge area for a hike and dinner at the restaurant. We could do that this year, or, if people want to, we could bring food this time for campfire cooking. Maybe early hike and breakfast at the lodge the next morning. We are flexible, plan on arrival early afternoon-ish if you can.

Doug or Iron, can you put up the link to Petit Jean since I'm illiterate. Cost is $20 per campsite with 3 tents per site. You can call them at 501 374-5022 and pay over the phone, talk to "TJ", or pay when you get there.

That's it for now, I'm sure we will firm things up as we get closer but at least we have a date. See you there.

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Iron's In!

It's a great time of year to visit - cool, but not cold. Louise is flying her plane down here for Thanksgiving, so can't do that weekend Tobin, but I'll be there on the 16th.

Tobin, tell the United States Navy you're going UA and they'll have to survive without you! What are we gonna tell all the hot babes at Petit Jean if you're not there. OK, I made that last part up, anyway, hope you can give it a shot -

On my calendar and planning to attend. I'll miss the end-of-season VAF Comets party at Peter Piper Pizza, but hey.....RV camping with friends has a higher priority (I made all the games at least). :).
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Tobin, tell the United States Navy you're going UA and they'll have to survive without you! What are we gonna tell all the hot babes at Petit Jean if you're not there....

Hmm. Now I know why Paul encouraged you to do it the weekend BEFORE I came down instead of Thanksgiving!!!! ;)
Scorch, I'll see what I can do.....but, I don't know if the country will survive without me at my post. (let's see, what general order was that):) But then again, don't want to leave the babes hanging either!!'re going?? No kidding? Holly Cow!! No family event? No kid's soccer game to attend? No "grown up" things to do? :D Awesome!! Now I'll definitely have to try to go.
But then again, don't want to leave the babes hanging either!!

I don't know Tobin...the only things I remember "hanging around" last year were you and me from a tower ladder with bad welds.....:eek:

And not to worry Louise....any "hot babes" in the area get gathered up by Jay anyways....;)

the only things I remember "hanging around" last year were you and me from a tower ladder with bad welds

I would deny it, except for the incrimiating evidence!:eek:

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