
Active Member
Hi folks,

I have an Digiflight II autopilot head with the green lcd that bacomes unreadable. Talking to lucas the offer me to change the display for the new model (700usd) os upgrading to the new vizion 385 (for about 1400usd) . I would like your opinions it it worths pay the extra 700usd to get the vizion 385 and what benefics i have more then the actual digiflight II. FYI : My plane is VFR only , and use the autopilot most of time in my long xcountry flights, So i dont need to do any of the IFR procedures or similar.

Any opinions will be highly appreciate!

It's probably a flip of the coin from my perspective.

The Vizion has a few more features, but as you mentioned you may not care about them. Although they are still nice to have even if you aren't flying IFR.

The other is resale value and support. The DGII is bascially end of life, where the Vizion is new. You'll should get better resale value with the Vizion installed and longer support down the road too.

Are these worth $700? Only you can answer that question.
I finally got a chance today to fly my Vizion 385 upgrade, from my old DGII. The only real difference is the altitude pre-select in the 385. Could I get along without it? Sure. Do I like it? You bet. Makes step down approaches a piece of cake. If I was VFR only, it would still be worthwhile.

Jim Berry
I think the key is what version of the Digiflight II you have. If it is the VSGV, then the altitude preselect is the main upgrade. If it is more basic, like the G, then you will have a ton more functionality. It also depends on what you have driving it, to some extent.