
Well Known Member
As part of installing my new panel, I need to install Van's restrictor fittings for oil pressure, manifold pressure and fuel pressure. Some of the fittings can be easily attached to the engine but some can't. These fittings have a 45* elbow which makes it difficult to screw into some tight spots on the engine. My question is this: Does it matter if I attach the restrictor fitting to the engine port or is it okay to attach it to the pressure transducer manifold on the firewall? I don't think it should but I thought I'd get some advice.
I think the point of the restrictor is to limit fluid loss (flammable) in the event of hose failure. They probably should go on the engine.
I agree with Steve - if you put the fitting on the downstream end of the hose, there isn't much reason to have it (from a leak protection standpoint).
These fittings have a 45* elbow which makes it difficult to screw into some tight spots on the engine.

Consider using a street elbow instead of a 45-degree fitting. You can screw a straight fitting into the elbow and not deal with those tight spots like next to the engine mount.
Make Your Own

You can also easily make your own restrictors to place in straight fittings if that helps. One method is to use a #4 (1/8") universal rivet with a #60 (.040") hole drilled in it. Place this in the fitting end and the hose end fitting captures it in place. You can also use an AN3 bolt and drill the shank about 4 treads deep with a #60 hole. Tap the fitting for 10-32 then screw the bolt into the fitting and cutoff the bolt head. Chase the #60 hole with a bit and thoroughly clean the fitting. I've used both methods, both inexpensive and can be made quickly.
