
Active Member
Restore G5/Aerea660 config on power on

Hello Steve,

In my aeroclub we have planed to install the G5 and aera660 on all planes,
but with 140 pilots ... some pilots change some settings or are lost in menu and change some parameters.

Do you know if it's possible for Garmin to add 2 functionality ?

- 1 for export setting 1 time on microsd (on xml file for example).
(if we can edit xml file after export, it's the best to customise restore on startup)

and other one,
-when we start G5 and/or 660, equipment take the config on microsd to restore the same config on all plane and at any startup.

I think that this functionality would be very appreciated by the aeroclubs,
which are confronted with deconfigurations by clumsiness of the multiple pilots
and which gives a bad image of the equipments Garmin because they share some planes with many pilots.

This can also be used by the owner pilots to restore a config in case of change/exchange/test equipment.

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