
Well Known Member
Just wanted to share my possible good fortune in securing a N-number for my RV-7A project.

First off I wanted to end my N-number with my initials PM. So about 2 years ago I started looking at what numbers were available to reserve. I wanted to include a 7 to represent the RV-7 but I also wanted to include a 4 to represent the RV-4 I built long ago (sold the plane 17 yrs ago). When I started looking at what was available I was looking at three numbers and PM. There were many numbers to choose from so I delayed reserving anything for a year or so.

I decided I needed to reserve a number so I started looking again. Some of the "cool" numbers were gone (747PM etc). For some reason I decided to look at what was available with only two numbers and PM.

Only one number was available and it was N47PM. Could this possibly be true? Are the stars aligned? I jumped on this and just requested it this evening. Hopefully in about three weeks I will get confirmation.

This number is also very easy for me to remember. When I was 16 the very first airplane I worked on was a P-47 at an air museum.

So it seems 47 has to be magical.
Don't wait three weeks...

Pmerems said:
Just wanted to share my possible good fortune in securing a N-number for my RV-7A project.
Only one number was available and it was N47PM. Could this possibly be true? Are the stars aligned? I jumped on this and just requested it this evening. Hopefully in about three weeks I will get confirmation..
In about three days run a check on that number on the FAA site. They will post it the day it is reserved to someone. Maybe YOU! But don't stop there, get in and look for other numbers that you might want. PAPA MIKE is easy to say, you'll like it.
After 24 years of WHISKEY MIKE, I am going to a simple number like 601, 16A or 311 all reserved. Reserve more than one choice. It's only $10 per year and you can drop it at any time.... :eek:

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I recently reserved a new number, and it only took about a week for the confirmation to arrive in the mail.

I let the old one lapse - N674P doesn't apply any more. The new number is N94SU. My wifes name is Su (no "e"), and ultimately, everything I do is for her ;) . I'm really hoping I can interest her in flying, and maybe this will add a little incentive!
Keep Checking the FAA web site

Well done Paul!

For the rest of us.... keep checking the FAA web site regularly...

As aircraft get exported (weak $$), many custom numbers are getting put "back into the pot".... so keep checking for those low numbers you want.

I got N12GA - for my Tiger - and N16GA - reserved for the RV-6A - both from numbers that were on aircraft exported out of the country... they just "popped up" during a weekly check...

The xxGA ones seemed hard to get since it seemed a lot went to Gulfstreams for G-IVs and G-Vs.... :)

gil in Tucson

...add in N33GA for the sailplane I built, and I guess you could say I've got 3% of the low GA numbers cornered.... :)
az_gila said:
For the rest of us.... keep checking the FAA web site regularly...

Don't waste your time with the FAA website. I made my own interface to their website that will tell you every day what the newest N-Numbers available are. I scan their database every night at midnight and it gets posted to my page about 1-2AM EST. For example, last night 948 N-Numbers became free, including N47PM.

Check it out:
New Short numbers

bullojm1 said:
Don't waste your time with the FAA website. I made my own interface to their website that will tell you every day what the newest N-Numbers available are. I scan their database every night at midnight and it gets posted to my page about 1-2AM EST. For example, last night 948 N-Numbers became free, including N47PM.

Check it out:

Neat tool Mike... but still keep checking one way or the other..... :)
On the latest June 6 new numbers from Mike's interface, I noticed

7FQ 7GQ 7RP for the RV-7 guys....


8FQ 8GQ 8TZ for the RV-8s

and only

9FQ for the RV-9s

The short numbers are getting put back into the pot....

gil in Tucson
bullojm1 said:
Don't waste your time with the FAA website. I made my own interface to their website that will tell you every day what the newest N-Numbers available are. I scan their database every night at midnight and it gets posted to my page about 1-2AM EST. For example, last night 948 N-Numbers became free, including N47PM.

Check it out:

Thanks for that Mike - it works great and is a big time saver.

Have mentioned it before, but mention it again. I know the temptation is there to customize your registration with birthdays, your initials, 1st girlfriend's initials, etc. But say that combination about 20 times and see how you like it. How does it flow? How many syllables are there? You have a "9", are you going to say "niner" every time you call up, or just put up with the occasional lecture from ATC for not saying "niner".

I changed a year or two ago when I got tired of my birthday-initial N-no. Now short and sweet with eight-zulu-november. rolls nicely.

2 cents
bullojm1 said:
Don't waste your time with the FAA website. I made my own interface to their website that will tell you every day what the newest N-Numbers available are. I scan their database every night at midnight and it gets posted to my page about 1-2AM EST. For example, last night 948 N-Numbers became free, including N47PM.

Check it out:
Mikes' nsearch site is the one I use - Far and away the neatest, easiest, and fastest way to find what you're looking for!
EZ to say!

EZ to say is important!!
Listen to LOWPASS Bryan-8
I made the mistake of choosing a hard to say N # not good....
N46NS "November Sieria" For my Super Cub. I would like to change that one.
1946 was my berth year
N46RV easy to say, First RV6
N82 RV easy to say, First RV8
N46RE easy to say, second RV6
N46NS NOT! easy to say, Super Cub kit,, Fun plane!!!
N46RX easy to say, second RV8 I am over 60...RX,,,?

Always wanted to get a single diget N#, reserved N6YH....Yankee Hotel"?? I may let that one go. too hard to say,
But Could I say N6"Yahhhhh Hooooo" !!!!!!!!!!
Hummmm? ,,,,,,fun with #s
Hard to say...

Yup, it is all about the number of sylables, not the number of numbers and letters. There have been some wonderfully silly ones too. My favorite Cub is N5EX. Five echo xray, no problem. <G>

John Clark
RV8 N18U "Sunshine"
6 numbers...

Jaypratt said:

Always wanted to get a single diget N#, reserved N6YH....Yankee Hotel"?? I may let that one go. too hard to say,
But Could I say N6"Yahhhhh Hooooo" !!!!!!!!!!
Hummmm? ,,,,,,fun with #s

Jay... if you want a short "6" number, there are several going.... :)


You could get "Six Yankee Doodle"..... :D

gil in Tucson
az_gila said:
Neat tool Mike... but still keep checking one way or the other..... :)
On the latest June 6 new numbers from Mike's interface, I noticed

7FQ 7GQ 7RP for the RV-7 guys....


8FQ 8GQ 8TZ for the RV-8s

and only

9FQ for the RV-9s

The short numbers are getting put back into the pot....

gil in Tucson
8TZ is gone. I was hoping for a 3 digit N number and really would have liked 1 Golf Pappa or 8 Golf Pappa. Unfortunately they are both assigned to destroyed aircraft, one owner is long gone and the other won't tell the FAA that the aircraft is gone in case he wants to build another one someday. His wife made it sound like the aircraft never really existed and even though the N number was "Revoked" back in 1977 the FAA won't let it be reused until the owner turns it in.

Oh well, 8 Tango Zulu may not have any significance, but I like the sound of it and it should easy to pick out during hurried ATC transmissions.

Greg Papendick
I won the N-number lottery

Mike, what a great web site. You have rendered a great public service. I wish I had your site 2 years ago when I was looking for my N-number. I just sat at the FAA registration site for hours, plugging in requests. However, all that hard work paid off when I snagged N888SV for my RV-8A project. The 8s are for the model no. (of course), the S is for me, Steve, and the V is for my CEO, Vicki (also, the plane is named "Miss Vick"). I can't wait for my first taxi test when I can call the tower with my melodious call sign, triple eight sierra victor. It makes you sound like a fighter jock just saying it.
reserved one yesterday

this thread prompted me to get off my backside (figuratively) and go ahead and reserve an n-number. i reserved one when i first started my 7a in 2004, but the reasons for choosing it went away, so i let it lapse.

i agree with the "easy to say" part -- at least it should be "not too difficult to say". i once owned a p210 that was n50sm. i hope to never own a plane with a "zero sierra" combination again. we got to calling it "fife zero sugar mike" which was o.k. with the local controllers, but sometimes anal-retentive atc types in other locales would complain.....

so what did i get this time? well it's not super easy to say, but it's not as difficult as "zero sierra" either. it does have some of the "vanity plate" properties -- i got "tree tree seven juliet pop". i wanted something ending in "seven juliet pop" for the vanity reasons, and when i saw this one available i though "why not? my whole plane is a major modification." ;)

oops, just remembered i haven't updated my sig file yet. :eek:
Short number

I would be cautious about getting a 3 digit number. From experience working for the FAA it is my observation that many many pilots abbreviate their number on the initial call. For instance N441LP will call in as RV 1LP or more likely the useless, experimental 1LP. This forces the air traffic facility to ask for the full number. So if you have a 3 digit number, at least call in as RV N1LP experimental. That should work, but it doesn't; they will still often ask for the whole number.

I have found it is just not worth all the clarification that is required and accordingly went with a non-confusing long number. It is quicker that way.
n5lp said:
I have found it is just not worth all the clarification that is required and accordingly went with a non-confusing long number. It is quicker that way.

I have never been asked for my "full callsign" while flying N18U. The trick is to use "November" on the initial call and say it clearly.

John Clark
RV8 N18U "Sunshine"

I'm glad I came across this thread. I didn't realize I could reserve a number so early in the process.

I picked a couple that I liked and reserved them.


John Edwards
RV-9A - Empennage
(waiting for N-Number confirmation)
All numbers

Would like to hear everyone's opinions on ALL numbers registration. There don't seem to be very many of them out there - at least I don't hear them in the SF Bay Area flight community.

I've reserved 4449 (there were no 4449's available with an alpha suffix) and I am wondering how these all-numbers ID's go over with ATC. (I currently fly in Zero-Six-Whiskey, so the all numbers thing is going to be new.)

Am I expected to announce as Kitfox Forty-four forty-niner? And can I/should I continue with Fox Forty-niner so someone doesn't think I'm transmitting some kind of numerical navigational data by using just "Forty-niner"? Or what? (I'm especially interested in N5LP's thoughts, as he has been (or still is) inside the FAA machinery.

I also have to 'fess up that I slid into the forum as a non-RV Kitfoxer (as you can see by my user ID) and I tell you, I feel surrounded by RV's whenever and wherever I land at different strips. You guys are like yellowjackets on a dead horse. If/when I stop for fuel at some out-there strip I won't be there for two minutes and voila, two RV's will appear out of nowhere! :)

BTW: Mike's site for searching newly available N-numbers is a godsend piece of work. Thanks, Mike!


Your call sign would be: kitfox (november) four four four niner
I never had a problem with all number callsigns and never heard of any issues with them, but I think pilot prefer letters as it's easier to hear it when ATC calls you.
kitfoxer said:
Would like to hear everyone's opinions on ALL numbers registration. There don't seem to be very many of them out there - at least I don't hear them in the SF Bay Area flight community.

I've reserved 4449 (there were no 4449's available with an alpha suffix) and I am wondering how these all-numbers ID's go over with ATC. (I currently fly in Zero-Six-Whiskey, so the all numbers thing is going to be new.)

Am I expected to announce as Kitfox Forty-four forty-niner? And can I/should I continue with Fox Forty-niner so someone doesn't think I'm transmitting some kind of numerical navigational data by using just "Forty-niner"? Or what? (I'm especially interested in N5LP's thoughts, as he has been (or still is) inside the FAA machinery.

I also have to 'fess up that I slid into the forum as a non-RV Kitfoxer (as you can see by my user ID) and I tell you, I feel surrounded by RV's whenever and wherever I land at different strips. You guys are like yellowjackets on a dead horse. If/when I stop for fuel at some out-there strip I won't be there for two minutes and voila, two RV's will appear out of nowhere! :)

BTW: Mike's site for searching newly available N-numbers is a godsend piece of work. Thanks, Mike!

The correct initial callup would be "Experimental Kitfox Four-Four-Four-Niner" followed by "Kitfox Four-Four-Niner" once in two-way communication.
osxuser said:
The correct initial callup would be "Experimental Kitfox Four-Four-Four-Niner" followed by "Kitfox Four-Four-Niner" once in two-way communication.
That is a good initial call, but the latest AIM recommends Kitfox four four niner experimental then drop the experimental for further calls.
Close, But

4-2-4a.1 says that call signs should never be abbreviated on initial contact.
Therefore our Kitfox initial call should be "Kitfox four four four niner experimental". Then like Larry says, omit "experimental" after initial contact.
Mel said:
4-2-4a.1 says that call signs should never be abbreviated on initial contact.
Therefore our Kitfox initial call should be "Kitfox four four four niner experimental". Then like Larry says, omit "experimental" after initial contact.
Oops, I know that, just missed the extra four. In fact it shouldn't be abbreviated until ATC abbreviates it. As far as I am concerned the big thing is to get the type in there. It drives me crazy when people just say experimental. Ok, is it a Breezy, or a MIG? I would think ATC would want to know also.

At your local non-tower airport, experimental never needs to be said, but the type would sure be helpful.
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n5lp said:
That is a good initial call, but the latest AIM recommends Kitfox four four niner experimental then drop the experimental for further calls.
In place of the 'kitfox' what would be widely understood for an 'RV-6'?
GrayHawk said:
In place of the 'kitfox' what would be widely understood for an 'RV-6'?
ArrVee. They are all close enough in appearance and performance. I have found that sometimes ATC will want to know the model. If they ask, tell them RV-6.
n5lp said:
ArrVee. They are all close enough in appearance and performance. I have found that sometimes ATC will want to know the model. If they ask, tell them RV-6.
Good... Thanks Larry.
I'll strive to use correct terminology from this point on. :)

To all RV builders, we offer Superior, low cost vinyl or paint masks for
N-numbers. Many satisfied RV builders have bought from us.

A set of 2 - 3" numbers/paint masks are $19.95 and a set of 12" numbers/paint masks are $49.95. All numbers come with a 10 year warranty.

Check us out at

Again, many thanks to all the previous customers,

OTG Vinyl
N47PM is mine, all mine

I just received my FAA n-number confirmation.

N47PM is reserved for my RV-7A.

This is a milestone.........................