
I'm New Here
Hello. A little registration issue that I have run into. Obviously I'm registered on the site now, hence this posting, however when I went to register, the site would not let me use my "old" username or password or email. The site came back that my username and password and email address were already being used. I had to reregister with a new username and password and another family member's email! Why could I not use my "old" credentials?? Another RV guy I know says he was automatically registered whereas I was not. I was wondering why and if there's anyway to use my "old" username, password and email address again?
Hello. A little registration issue that I have run into. Obviously I'm registered on the site now, hence this posting, however when I went to register, the site would not let me use my "old" username or password or email.

There's a difference between registering and logging-in. The reason you couldn't "register" with your "old" username and password is because you're already registered with your old username and password. What you're trying to do is "log in" with your "old" username and password.

Try logging-out and simply use your old credentials after clicking "Log in."
