
Well Known Member

This question is in the context of a CFI checkride that I am hoping to take in next few days. As I have sometime in RVs and other experimental, I do expect to see oral questions pertinent to experimentals and I am attempting to be as prepared as possible.

Also, let me first state that I am aware of 14 CFR 91.205 and the lists of equipments mentioned there. But I am really curious about equipment required in experimentals (such as RVs) for ****Day VFR**** only.

The confusion I am facing follows from FAA Order 8130.2 which gives guidance for issuing of a special airworthiness certificate for experimentals. There
are no minimum equiment requirements specified for VFR, day only
aircraft. For IFR or night, it says that you must comply with the equipment requirements of 91.205.

Further, I came across a Kitplanes article in June, 2006 issue of Kitplanes that is about experimental aircraft and instruments. The article specifically stated "Not Required" for all the instruments. According to the article only the ELT (for 2 place) and Transponder (for certain airspace) might be required.

So am I correct in stating that NONE of the instruments from 91.205 are required for **Day VFR** (except ELT and Transponder)?

This seems bizzare to me hence asking the knowledgable folks to guide me through this confusion. Again this is in the context of prepping myself for the oral portions of the CFI checkride.

Many thanks in advance!
I wish it was that simple...

Bruce: "TOMATO FLAMES" is not what I am looking for. Already aware of 91.205...

This is strictly in context of **day VFR** and experimental (see my message above).
Prudent: Comply as closely as reasonable to 91.205.

Legally: No flight instruments required for experimental amateur-built aircraft for day VFR
Hmmm... according to 8130.2G the required wording in the op spec would seem to conflict with the above:

4104. Issuance of Experimental Amateur-Built Operating Limitations.
a. Operating limitations must be designed to fit the specific situation encountered. The ASI may impose any additional limitations deemed necessary in the interest of safety. The ASI and/or designee must review each imposed operating limitation with the applicant to ensure that the operating limitations are understood by the applicant.
b. The following operating limitations shall be prescribed to experimental amateur-built aircraft:
(1) No person may operate this aircraft for other than the purpose of meeting the requirements of 14 CFR ? 91.319(b) during phase I flight testing, and for recreation and education after meeting these requirements as stated in the program letter (required by 14 CFR ? 21.193) for this aircraft. In addition, this aircraft must be operated in accordance with applicable air traffic and general operating rules of 14 CFR part 91 and all additional limitations herein prescribed under the provisions of 14 CFR ? 91.319(i). These operating limitations are a part of FAA Form 8130-7, and are to be carried in the aircraft at all times and be available to the pilot in command of the aircraft.
Hmmm... according to 8130.2G the required wording in the op spec would seem to conflict with the above:
must be operated in accordance with applicable air traffic and general operating rules of 14 CFR part 91

Key word here is applicable. 91.205 is not applicable because it specifically states that it applies to aircraft holding a standard category airworthiness certificate.

We MAKE it applicable for night and/or IFR by specific wording in the op lims.