
Well Known Member
Ok, fellow FAR-readers. I am looking for requirements in the FARs (or, if you prefer, 14 CFR) that discusses requirements for instrument lighting for NVFR.

FAR 91.205 lists the instruments that are required under NVFR operations (e.g., AS, ALT, compass, tach, oil T&P, fuel gauges). Amazingly enough, it doesn't discuss requirements for instrument lighting.

A reasonable interpretation would be that the instruments would have to be lit, whether internally or externally. But is lighting required for each individual gauge? Yes, it's smart to have each gauge lit with light rings, internal lighting or post lights, but is it required?

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I've instructed in many airplanes where the only instrument lights were the red overhead dome light. Wasn't fun, mind you, but we did it. :eek:

If I were building it wouldn't be my choice, but I believe that's all that would be needed to be legal.
None that I can find

I don't think there are any. I usually carry a low powered flashlight (or three) for night VFR in spam cans.
No requirement for interior lights, landing or taxi lights. However, position and anti-collision are required. No requirement to put tires on the wheel rims either, but these would make good sense as well.