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Keith Williams

Well Known Member
I sold my RV6 to a California resident a little less than a year ago.

Last week I received from the above California Board a letter with a form asking that within 30 days I certify under penalty of perjury the details of the sale - the date, who I sold it to, the delivery date, delivery location, the price and address details of the buyer.

This information went to the FAA on the Bill of Sale. I wonder if the FAA keeps the details of the sale away from the states.

I am wondering if I am obligated to fill in this form and send it to the Board.

Are any of you familiar with this process?
I'm not a lawyer.............

But it seems to me that this burden would be on the purchaser, not the seller, especially since he/she is the one living in that state.

Of course we ARE talking about California!
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As the seller out of Illinois, I would say you have zero obligation to the CBOE.
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Zero Obligation

You, as a resident of Illinois, have ZERO obligation to respond to the government of California. They try to pull this sort of **** on military retirees living in other states in an effort to tax some of their retirement income. Just ignore them.

Do not respond. California and every other state get all they need and more from OKC.FAA.:mad:
I suspect that this is an attempt to verify actual cost of sale - suspecting the actual cost of sale is under reported.

CA BOE has an extensive, sophisticated process for "mining" data. I know of several California restaurants who have been nailedwith huge sales tax assessments based on the BOE's estimate of "satisfied customer" posts on YELP. They also harvest published "for sale" prices and if the reported cost of sale drops below a certain percentage, the "black hole" nature of a governmental taxing authority is exercised.

They're motivated, CA has huge unfunded liabilities and instead pursues the High Speed Rail and Delta "Tunnels" projects.

Consider replying that, to the best of your knowledge, the transfer documents filed with the FAA reflect the actual costs of sale, and refer the BOE to that source.
Unless you were served, or received a certified letter with return receipt, you received nothing. Replying confirms they reached you. Toss the letter.
If you respond you have admitted you received the letter. In Denver, they have red light cameras. They send letters out for you to pay. If you respond even to dispute the ticket, you have admitted receiving the ticket.
I'm going to toss it.

If they follow up I plan to do as Marc suggested. We did enter the full price on the bill of sale.

Thanks to you all for the comments.
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