
Well Known Member
Hey folks, RV-7 builder here who needs a little help from the RV-14 gang.

I am modifying my RV-7 TU with the guts of the OP-63 so I can move my canopy jettison handle elsewhere.

What I am hoping someone can do for me is provide two measurements so I can get the basic geometry right when placing some of the bits.

From the back (firewall side) of the F-01455 Sub-Panel, I'd like to know the distance to the following:
  1. Forward (firewall side) face of the C-01436-1 (Pivot Block Channel) - basically the height of the channel
  2. Aft edge (closest edge to the sub panel) of the 4th hole (from the firewall) on the F-01493-1 (Center Forward Fuselage Channel)
See Snip below from OP-63 for the picture of the above.

OP-63 Snip.PNG

Can you help?
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