
Well Known Member
As many RV's are painted in WWII P-51 colors, how many have installed replica .50 cal Brownings?
We are fabricating gun barrels and blisters that will rivet to the leading edge of your wing.
Looks authentic, will not affect performance. Just like a P-51.
Could you post pictures and prices please.


The barrels are being machined now, should be done by late next week. As soon as we get these completed, and the fiberglass blisters made, we will have a good handle on the cost.

This is close to what it will look like...but ours will be much closer to the original in appearance. This installation could have been done far better, and a quality paint shop (GLO-Custom) would really make this look good.


Ours will look more like this:
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As many RV's are painted in WWII P-51 colors, how many have installed replica .50 cal Brownings?
We are fabricating gun barrels and blisters that will rivet to the leading edge of your wing.
Looks authentic, will not affect performance. Just like a P-51.

Six big multi-edged blisters directly on the leading edge, a hard span-wise trip line near the lowest pressure area of the wing, and a bunch of big dome head pop rivets won't affect performance on a 200 mph airframe? Really?

Will riveting a doubler to the leading edge have any effect on the load path/distribution when the wing tries to flex under load?

Six big multi-edged blisters directly on the leading edge, a hard span-wise trip line near the lowest pressure area of the wing, and a bunch of big dome head pop rivets won't affect performance on a 200 mph airframe? Really?

Will riveting a doubler to the leading edge have any effect on the load path/distribution when the wing tries to flex under load?


Those rivets are not what we would recommend. You can use what ever you like. Real world flight testing shows little or no impact on performance with these installed. Yes, really.

Not certain, but it would appear that the wing root may stall first, leaving aileron control available. These are installed on a number of P-51 replica aircraft.
This would be nice if you can design a unit that can be held on with double sided tape so it can be easily removed.
I would love to have a set of these installed ... on my sparring buddies airplanes, that is. Straight-and-level unaccelerated flight is not where you'd be likely to notice the difference.
I would love to have a set of these installed ... on my sparring buddies airplanes, that is. Straight-and-level unaccelerated flight is not where you'd be likely to notice the difference.

The planes that are flying with these installed report negligible impact on performance. Perhaps one, maybe two mph speed loss. No affect on stall characteristics, or other flight regimes.

For those of you who are not willing to sacrifice one mph, do not buy these. For those of you who are looking for a WOW factor, this is the ticket.
This would be nice if you can design a unit that can be held on with double sided tape so it can be easily removed.

Why would you want to remove it? That being the case, I would not recommend this for you. Problem being the tape would not be strong enough to hold the guns in place, and still allow for easy removal.
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If you got rid of that sleeve and used fairing compound to fair the individual blisters in, it would look much better.

If you got rid of that sleeve and used fairing compound to fair the individual blisters in, it would look much better.


The original installation is in a separate panel attached to the wing. Again, the picture here is not the way we will install these. The seams will be treated and will blend into the wing.

While your suggestion has merit, it adds complexity and cost.
I'm curious where exactly on the RV wing you will install these? Surely not on the fuel tank? On the other hand, they might look odd - too far outboard - otherwise.
I'm curious where exactly on the RV wing you will install these? Surely not on the fuel tank? On the other hand, they might look odd - too far outboard - otherwise.
A double-sided tape like that used on bumper parts on cars would certainly be strong enough, given how far around the leading edge it attaches. You'd have a hard time attaching it outboard of the fuel tank and inboard of the ailerons... I don't have my wing handy, but doesn't the fuel tank end at the same bay where the aileron starts?
A double-sided tape like that used on bumper parts on cars would certainly be strong enough, given how far around the leading edge it attaches. You'd have a hard time attaching it outboard of the fuel tank and inboard of the ailerons... I don't have my wing handy, but doesn't the fuel tank end at the same bay where the aileron starts?

Looking at sheet 10 of the -6/6A plans, the aileron starts about 1/2 bay or so outboard of the fuel tank.

For sure it'd need to be something like double sided tape if it's going to overlap the fuel tank and I'd certainly agree that the stuff you mention would be strong enough. I can't say I'd be very excited about riviting anything to the fuel tank skin especially on a completed aircraft :)
Only in 2015 would we be talking about adding a 6-pack of 50 Cal with double sided tape to hold them on! :eek:

Only in 2015 would we be talking about adding a 6-pack of 50 Cal with double sided tape to hold them on! :eek:


There may be an adhesive material (glue like) that could be used, eliminating rivets. But it would be a permanent install.
I would almost bet that Flamemaster CS-3204 would work.
bullet holes

You should offer this with bullet hole stickers. Builders could put these over all the boo boo areas.
Have you got a picture of these on an RV wing?

Are the gun ports original size (50 cal) or are the scaled down somewhat? What are the overall dimension of the width and length and approx. weight?

The real 50 cal guns would slow you down considerably when firing. That alone makes these ones better. :D

Sizing them for 30 cal may be more appropriate/believable.

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On the off chance this thread is drifting into a ?top this? firepower arms race, here?s where it leads to. True, this ain?t no RV?why heck, it iddn even a homebuilt, but DANG, Son! You wanna talk cannon??THAT is a CANNON! Seven-five mike mike and Boo-Yah!


On a more serious note, maybe I?m just way too square, but fake guns on the wing?? Sorry?don?t get it. S?cuse me while I go remove the bubble gum cards I got clothes-pinned on my bicycle spokes.

But if that?s what blows yer skirt up, hey, go for it. Different strokes and it?s all good. :D
That bell hole for the cannon looks very draggy. Wonder why they made it like that. And how long is that cannon anyway?. I didn't know the B-25 was a forerunner of the A10 Warthog.

OK, I've answered my own question. The 75 MM gun was installed from the nose and went aft and under the pilot's seat. It was a single fire weapon (manual loading). The installation included 10 forward facing 50 cal. guns. It was called the "train dispatcher". And just to keep this RV related, it will not fit in your RV!


On a more serious note, maybe I’m just way too square, but fake guns on the wing?? Sorry…don’t get it. S’cuse me while I go remove the bubble gum cards I got clothes-pinned on my bicycle spokes.

But if that’s what blows yer skirt up, hey, go for it. Different strokes and it’s all good. :D

Like, so many P-51 paint schemes. Ain't no Mustang. Sure, the guns are cool for those who like the warbird theme.

Will have more info in about ten days. The machine shop is still hard at work.
My Rocket needed a bit more ventilation, so I added these to the wingroot:
http://vincesrocket.com/wingroot vent with bird guard.jpg
I shortened them by about 1/2 after I snapped the photo. The kids always seemed to spot them at the fly-ins. :D
They were fully functional air vents too. Made from PVC pipe scraps, cost nothing.
The full story: http://vincesrocket.com/Additions after 10-27-04.htm

Vince, that's bad to the bone! Practical/functional in the air, fun when parked on the ground. My compliments sir.

Don Sheldon mounted shotguns to Cub struts for wolf hunting back when there was a bounty on wolves. I guess they worked.

There is a Don Sheldon display at the museum in Talkeetna AK. with more pictures of that hunting set up.
You want to be real quiet about that. Do not let the Federales (ATF) know about this.

I wonder if the video of firing of 50 caliber guns is for real. It looked like real bullets going onto dirt bank but how does one get a permit for installing machine guns in a civilian airplane?
I wonder if the video of firing of 50 caliber guns is for real. It looked like real bullets going onto dirt bank but how does one get a permit for installing machine guns in a civilian airplane?

Yes, for sure those are live rounds. They had to get a special license as a Browning repair facility from the ATF in order to install these guns in the Mustang. The Feds will not allow them to fly the Mustang with the guns installed. Prior to flying, the guns have to be removed / disabled.
The amount of time I've spent reducing drag trying to scrape together fractions of knots and someone really wants to pop rivet something like this to their wing....like on purpose?

I'll need to see a photo of these on an RV because until I do I just can't believe anyone would consider doing this to an RV. One or two mph speed loss and no effect on flying characteristics....was that on a 200mph plane? That is very hard to believe. Looks like a non retractable air brake to me.
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OTOH, with a bit of trial and error, and a bit of luck, it might be possible to design and position the fake guns to act as VGs, thus enhancing the low speed handling.

Of course, the opposite is also true. :eek:

Dan H., thanks for the kind words about my installation in the wing root.

Just to expand on why I tried the "guns/vents" in the wing root, I was trying to get some cooler air from away from the fuselage. On my Rocket, the NACA vents on the fuselage sides were measured 11 degrees F. hotter air temp than the underwing vent air.

On the new F4 that I'm working on, I can assure you that the cabin ventilation air will not be coming from the fuselage sides!! It will have an extra underwing vent for the pilot also.
The amount of time I've spent reducing drag trying to scrape together fractions of knots and someone really wants to pop rivet something like this to their wing....like on purpose?

I'll need to see a photo of these on an RV because until I do I just can't believe anyone would consider doing this to an RV. One or two mph speed loss and no effect on flying characteristics....was that on a 200mph plane? That is very hard to believe. Looks like a non retractable air brake to me.

Yes, flight tested on 200 mph (and greater) aircraft. Almost no impact on handling or speed.
Noise maker

While your at it, how about a switch in the cockpit that will cause an air popping noise that sounds like .50 cal's !!!!!!!!!!!