Well Known Member
Doug showed off a new shoulder bag he acquired a few months (years?) back and I'll be darned if I can find it on the site.:confused: It may have been in the news items and not the forum but I don't think searching of the news items is possible. Does anyone by chance remember what I'm talking about and maybe have a web site address? It was a pretty nice single strap bag that looks like it would be really comfortable carrying around all day and perfect for Oshkosh. I'm getting things together here and I think my old "Tough Traveler" bag has made its last trip to the big show and it's time for a new one. :D
Look out Tom....you rememebr what happened when Doug showed off his pink (sorry - "Coral") scooter last week; Now you want him to remind everyone about his PURSE??!!!;)
Maxpedition 'Fatboy'

I have a tan one. They are very popular with the concealed gun crowd - pocket for one on the back side. Wanna make fun of my scooter now? ;)

I kid... Seriously, this thing rocks.


Awesome "Fat boy"

Thanks Doug. There even better than I remembered. See ya at "OSH":)
Ha ha ha ha

My lovely American Wife just came into the room just as i was reading this holding up this PINK purse with a bright pink flower on it and announces.."Look what I bought your Mum for her Birthday"...Now lets just say fashions are little more conservative in the UK....Oh my..:D

A $70 man-purse?!?!? :)

C'mon...you're too destitute to afford a trip to OSH, but you buy one of those fancy things?! Now I see where all my advertising $$'s are going! :D
snip...you're too destitute to afford a trip to OSH, but you buy one of those fancy things?! ...snip :D

I never took up smoking - saved a bundle. :D

And, borrowing a line from 'Men in Black' in regards to the versipack, "I make this look GOOD!" ;)
Better bring a Bag

At my first "OSH" I carried all my stuff all day long in the hot Wisconsin sun in one of those plastic shopping bags the vendors give out. I don't remember who's it was but it was dark blue and by the end of the day so was my right leg. :eek:
question for Doug


Thanks for showing use the most excellent man bag. I notice from the manexpeiton website that they also have a version of the bag that is a bit larger called the jumbo.

If you had it to do over again, would you buy the jumbo, or do you think the smaller size like you have is adequate.

I would appreciate your thoughts.


I've seen those bags for sale recently at "Orange Shooting Sports" (indoor gun range), or a very similar name, just off of Forsythe.

Don't know about "Jumbos" though.
Might I suggest an alternative...

Several years ago, when I needed a flight bag, I noticed that all of the aviation shops charged an arm-and-a-leg for them, and most of them looked pretty heavy. No way, was I going to pay $100 just to haul a couple of headsets, maps, logboo, and GPS.

One day I was in Academy, and fouind a picnic bag for $10 that looked almost identical to some of the $70 soft aviation bags. It may not say "Flight Gear", but it does the same job.

Man purse

After many years of use and misuse, my (kids) backpack finally gave up and wore through the bottom. I replaced it with this Messenger Bag from L.L.Bean


Sturdy canvas and leather construction. Outside pouches for water bottles, inner compartments for all that Oshkosh literature, etc. $50.00

snip....If you had it to do over again, would you buy the jumbo, ...snip

Hi Tony,

I'd buy the same one (not the jumbo). It's perfect for me when going out on an all day thing (six flags, osh, etc). Nice size for sunscreen, water bottle, cameras and all the other stuff.


Doug, thanks for the input. I think I will go with the smaller "purse".

Mike, thank you for the heads up on Orange Sports. I called and spoke with them and will be heading that way as soon as the afternoon traffic clears enough to make rt 50 passable. So, you have an 8A in Orlando? Where do you keep it? We should talk.


Edit: I am now the owner of one of the Doug man bags. Now if I can only find one of those pink scooters.
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