Tango Mike

Well Known Member
The oil-cooler and pressure-sender hoses on my RV-4 have become hard and inflexible due to age and I'd like to replace them.

A builder friend offered a few options for having them built to length, and I'm looking for suggestions from the Van's community about whether to search locally (Austin, TX) for a shop nearby, or send them off.

Ideas, anyone?

I recommend you call Tom at TS Flightlines. He can get you what you need and replace them with hoses that will out last you. He is a supporter of this forum and our team.
I second the recommendation for Tom. I bought new brake lines from him and his product and service are outstanding.
Same experience here with Tom. Great guy!
And you definitely want hoses tested to an appropriately high pressure (much higher than pressure of use) to be sure you'll have no problems.
A buddy that had made hoses for himself for over 40 years had one of his oil hoses let go after 10 hours and barely made a runway in the mountains at home.
He doesn't make them anymore but has a nice new engine....:rolleyes:
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Definitely give Tom a call. You'll get your hoses in a couple of days - outstanding service.
Old Oil Hoses

I believe the teflon hoses are the best. They are not cheap but they have a much higher temperature rating and burst pressure ratings. They also do not harden like rubber does. You can make them yourself if you want without any problems as long as you follow the directions.
Thanks for the suggestions. In spite of my curiosity about how to do it myself, even without any local terrain worthy of the name "mountain," I think I'd best leave this particular job to . . . what was his name? Oh, yeah. TOM. Got it!
