
Well Known Member
I got my replacement ribbon cable for my ICOM A-210. I was surprised that the cable doesn't have any kind of connector on the ends. How do I replace this? Do I need a special tool?
I don't have that radio, so take this with a grain of salt. But here you go:

If it's totally flat, with what looks like printed circuit board copper traces embedded in it, the terminations typically have a compression latch that's released by sliding up a little lip at the top of the connector. Finger nail works if you can get to it, or a pick, or small screwdriver. It will only move up less than the height of the connector.

If it's not that kind of ribbon cable, then never mind....

The fold of the ribbon cable is important, (I'm told by Icom), so you want to pay attention to how the original is installed.
I sent mine in for another issue, they replaced the cable also only because it had been installed (folded) improperly by me when I installed it.
Tim Andres