
Well Known Member
Both my old fuel gauges dont work any more but I have an EIS, has anyone replaced the fuel gauges and used the EIS instead. If so how is it wired?
Both my old fuel gauges dont work any more but I have an EIS, has anyone replaced the fuel gauges and used the EIS instead. If so how is it wired?

Assuming the fuel senders still work okay (easy to check) and you mean the GRT EIS, just go to the grt web site and download the EIS instructions.
Fuel Gauges Answer

Assuming the fuel senders still work okay (easy to check) and you mean the GRT EIS, just go to the grt web site and download the EIS instructions.

Thanks, I had looked there but it is the last entry on that page on the website and I didn't go all the way down.
On GRT website:

SUPPORT>EIS ENGINE MONITOR>Calibrating Resistive Type Float Fuel Senders

Page down to that last one. 12 pages.